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7 Feb 2022
In reply to @SylvieLorxu:matrix.org
NewPipe just had bad luck they published just after a cycle started so they took an extra cycle

Yes I knew that, it just seems amazing that this one instead was able to get out in just 18 hours 🤯

Maybe he knew the cycle starting time and released it at just the right time? He's a sort of evil genius? 😮

@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaI mean you can just watch the cycles on F-Droid Monitor, it is not a secret. Also they seem to have made multiple broken releases so they probably overwrote the repo multiple times08:44:31
@_oftc_cityape:matrix.orgcityape left the room.08:52:11
@_oftc_Kyuzo68:matrix.orgKyuzo68 left the room.09:00:23
@_xmpp_twohundred=40chat.above.im:matrix.org200 changed their display name from 200 to twohundred.09:03:55
@_xmpp_twohundred=40chat.above.im:matrix.org200 changed their display name from twohundred to 200.09:03:58
@_oftc_indigaz388330:matrix.orgindigaz388330 joined the room.09:04:04
In reply to @SylvieLorxu:matrix.org
Yup see fdroiddata MR 10562 but GitPod broke and I am at work now so I cancan't finish this until lunch so feel free to beat me to making a proper MR
Well I became aware of fdroiddata just a few hours ago so it's probably better that it's not me the one doing it
@rambhau:matrix.orgrbs joined the room.09:20:21
In reply to @antonincurtit:matrix.org
https://f-droid.org/packages/com.github.tmo1.sms_ie 👌👌👌
I talk about files
@antonincurtit:matrix.orgAntonin CurtitDidn't read all, my bad09:45:28
@quixnix:matrix.orgNicholas joined the room.09:58:20
@_xmpp_twohundred=40chat.above.im:matrix.org200 changed their display name from 200 to twohundred.10:02:58
@_xmpp_twohundred=40chat.above.im:matrix.org200 changed their display name from twohundred to 200.10:02:59
@flowerheart:matrix.orgflowerheartAlso, what gonna happen with my games when i replace OS10:14:43
@flowerheart:matrix.orgflowerheartI dont wanna lose my progress10:14:54
@_oftc_Yad:matrix.orgYad flowerheart: "replace OS"? That sounds like reformatting, no? 10:19:55
@sayan31:matrix.orgsayan31 joined the room.10:42:27
@_xmpp_twohundred=40chat.above.im:matrix.org200 changed their display name from 200 to twohundred.10:46:07
@_xmpp_twohundred=40chat.above.im:matrix.org200 changed their display name from twohundred to 200.10:46:11
@test12345six7:matrix.orgHi left the room.10:55:47
@_oftc_sebastianos_:matrix.orgsebastianos_ joined the room.11:11:59
@_xmpp_twohundred=40chat.above.im:matrix.org200 changed their display name from 200 to twohundred.11:12:54
@_xmpp_twohundred=40chat.above.im:matrix.org200 changed their display name from twohundred to 200.11:12:56
@_oftc_sebastianos:matrix.orgsebastianos left the room.11:14:19
@_xmpp_twohundred=40chat.above.im:matrix.org200 changed their display name from 200 to twohundred.11:53:41
@_xmpp_twohundred=40chat.above.im:matrix.org200 changed their display name from twohundred to 200.11:53:42
@jboi:jboi.nlJonathan joined the room.12:03:26
@_oftc_collector:matrix.orgcollector joined the room.12:10:31
@_oftc_mr_mule:matrix.orgmr_mule joined the room.13:02:08

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