38 Members
Deutschsprachiger Chatroom der F-Droid Communiy (🇩🇪🇨🇭🇦🇹 / 🥨)11 Servers

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28 Jun 2024
@shipwreckt:matrix.orgShipwreckt joined the room.05:20:12
5 Jul 2024
@shipwreckt:matrix.orgShipwreckt left the room.11:26:17
17 Jul 2024
@shadowwwind:matrix.orgshadowwwind removed their display name shadowwwind.18:15:30
@shadowwwind:matrix.orgshadowwwind set their display name to shadowwwind.18:17:37
14 Aug 2024
@peaksol:exozy.mePeaksol joined the room.04:31:59
@peaksol:exozy.mePeaksol left the room.04:32:11
19 Aug 2024
@halkyon:matrix.orgtizmic changed their profile picture.23:27:09
@halkyon:matrix.orgtizmic changed their display name from halkyon to tizmic.23:27:24
1 Sep 2024
@nibor7009:matrix.orgnibor9007 joined the room.08:02:59
15 Sep 2024
@j0b1:matrix.orgj0b1 joined the room.17:29:38

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