42 Members
Deutschsprachiger Chatroom der F-Droid Communiy (🇩🇪🇨🇭🇦🇹 / 🥨)13 Servers

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29 Dec 2023
@onkelben:tchncs.deonkelben joined the room.02:28:59
12 Jan 2024
@onkelben:tchncs.deonkelben left the room.20:08:46
21 Jan 2024
@c:frei.chatJC changed their profile picture.17:46:07
@c:frei.chatJC changed their display name from JC to J.C.17:47:09
@c:frei.chatJC changed their display name from J.C to JC.22:46:20
23 Jan 2024
@6472k:darc.deFelix DO6FP joined the room.20:38:51
27 Jan 2024
@c:frei.chatJC left the room.20:05:16
20 Feb 2024
@container_1:matrix.orgcontainer_1 left the room.06:08:06
27 Feb 2024
@toras_2020:matrix.orgtoras joined the room.18:40:56
5 Mar 2024
@container_1:matrix.orgcontainer_1 joined the room.05:53:35
@container_1:matrix.orgcontainer_1 left the room.06:31:19
19 Mar 2024
@bene64:matrix.orgbene64 joined the room.14:03:38
1 Apr 2024
@stabilergriller:matrix.orgthrowaway account joined the room.21:40:37
@stabilergriller:matrix.orgthrowaway account left the room.21:42:22
@stabilergriller:matrix.orgthrowaway account joined the room.21:56:45
@stabilergriller:matrix.orgthrowaway account left the room.22:01:49
23 Apr 2024
@6472k:darc.deFelix DO6FP left the room.12:40:19
29 Apr 2024
@wb9688:matrix.newpipe-ev.dewb9688 joined the room.09:28:55
4 May 2024
@wb9688:matrix.newpipe-ev.dewb9688 left the room.07:02:03
7 May 2024
@bopnic:envs.netbopnic joined the room.21:07:35
12 May 2024
@halkyon:matrix.orgtizmic joined the room.11:05:04
1 Jun 2024
@mrdabc:matrix.orgmrdabc joined the room.10:41:31
@mrdabc:matrix.orgmrdabc hi 11:17:27
@mrdabc:matrix.orgmrdabc nicht viel los hier 11:17:32
@mrdabc:matrix.orgmrdabc left the room.16:21:44
3 Jun 2024
@halkyon:matrix.orgtizmicDas ist wohl war. Habe mich trotzdem gefreut, diese Gruppe zu sehen. 😉13:12:40
@toras_2020:matrix.orgtoras left the room.13:22:17
28 Jun 2024
@shipwreckt:matrix.orgShipwreckt joined the room.05:20:12
5 Jul 2024
@shipwreckt:matrix.orgShipwreckt left the room.11:26:17
17 Jul 2024
@shadowwwind:matrix.orgshadowwwind [m] removed their display name shadowwwind.18:15:30

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