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9 Jan 2019
@telegram_616495781:t2bot.ioAinz (Telegram) joined the room.08:04:28
@freenode_spaetz:matrix.orgspaetz left the room.08:05:44
@freenode_spaetz:matrix.orgspaetz joined the room.08:05:45
@freenode_mbagari:matrix.orgmbagari joined the room.08:06:17
@freenode_qwebirc46110:matrix.orgqwebirc46110 joined the room.08:31:23
@freenode_qwebirc46110:matrix.orgqwebirc46110 left the room.08:31:57
@freenode_Midoy:matrix.orgMidoy joined the room.09:10:18
@freenode_amiconn:matrix.orgamiconn left the room.09:39:16
@freenode_amiconn:matrix.orgamiconn joined the room.09:40:32
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot] [data] fuwa opened !4259: Wownerujo - update project url & remove non-funct… - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/4259 09:50:04
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] Rudloff opened !4260: New app: Cardboard Museum - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/426010:12:18
@freenode_aschildbach:matrix.orgaschildbach left the room.10:17:13
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] relan pushed to master: New app: Cardboard Museum - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/26a0205c10:26:45
@freenode_artectrex:matrix.orgartectrex left the room.10:51:56
@freenode_artectrex:matrix.orgartectrex joined the room.10:52:22
@freenode_daniele_athome:matrix.orgdaniele_athome left the room.10:56:47
@freenode_daniele_athome:matrix.orgdaniele_athome joined the room.10:59:00
@rixon-:matrix.org@rixon-:matrix.org I partially take back what I said about SaidIt being cool - it's a good idea and sounds well balanced, but the content is mostly American antisemitic politics with added tinfoil 11:00:23
@freenode_djr013:matrix.orgdjr013 joined the room.11:04:42
@rixon-:matrix.org@rixon-:matrix.orgIronically they used to be called AntiExtremes11:05:20
@freenode_djr013:matrix.orgdjr013 wow I just want to say I am really surprised and delighted to discover the new This Week in F-Droid news format on the website, it's super helpful and I'm going to be recommending it to all the FOSS nerds I know 11:05:36
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] licaon-kter pushed to master: New app: personalDNSFilter - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/81d8655611:11:06
@freenode_eubarbos`:matrix.orgeubarbos` left the room.11:11:47
@grgrr:matrix.orggrgrr joined the room.11:27:47
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)
In reply to @freenode_djr013:matrix.org
wow I just want to say I am really surprised and delighted to discover the new This Week in F-Droid news format on the website, it's super helpful and I'm going to be recommending it to all the FOSS nerds I know
Thank you! It takes a lot of effort writing it every week.
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old) (Done by Coffee ) 11:35:54
@Coffee:matrix.orgCoffeeThanks! Feedback like that is what keeps people motivated.11:40:42
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][privext] eighthave opened #55: probable crash on Android older than 5.0 (android… - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/privileged-extension/issues/5511:56:53
@freenode_digiberk:matrix.orgdigiberk left the room.11:59:48
@freenode_FiReSTaRT:matrix.orgFiReSTaRT joined the room.12:03:22

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