24 Jan 2019 |
| aschildbach joined the room. | 13:37:43 |
| aschildbach left the room. | 13:37:48 |
skygreen | Thanks!!! | 13:41:48 |
[gibot] | [server] YtvwlD opened #623: build fails with "No hash for gradle version 4.10… - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/issues/623 | 13:42:42 |
skygreen | That didn't last long. I'm back on 1.5.1 | 13:54:14 |
jochensp | Nico Alt: hi | 14:10:01 |
| LetterBox joined the room. | 14:14:04 |
| Pezhman Bagheri (Telegram) joined the room. | 14:28:30 |
| hobbes left the room. | 14:31:29 |
| hobbes joined the room. | 14:31:51 |
| ɪɴғɪᴅᴇʟ ✪ (Telegram) joined the room. | 14:45:14 |
Nico Alt | jochensp: Hey! | 14:55:22 |
jochensp | wanne release the new version now? | 14:55:39 |
Nico Alt | Not now, but in near future. | 14:57:18 |
Nico Alt | Before doing so, I wanted to talk with you. | 14:57:31 |
jochensp | ping me here | 14:58:32 |
Nico Alt | jochensp: OK, so you'll update it then? | 15:01:24 |
jochensp | no, I thought we do it together so you learn it | 15:01:44 |
Nico Alt | Fine. | 15:02:03 |
[gibot] | [data] genofire opened !4358: New App - Conversations with IPv6 - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/4358 | 15:14:57 |
LjL | uhm, really, that's a fork instead of being a PR into Conversations? :( | 15:22:08 |
| proctrap joined the room. | 15:24:53 |
Bubu | what the hell... | 15:25:47 |
| strk joined the room. | 15:31:28 |
strk | do you know of a free app turning your device into a bluetooth speaker ? | 15:31:38 |
strk | say like https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.georgie.SoundWireFree | 15:32:33 |
LjL | strk, maybe https://f-droid.org/en/packages/de.badaix.snapcast/ | 15:35:20 |
[gibot] | [data] Bubu pushed to master: update build directory - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/c790b1bd | 15:35:36 |
| marddl joined the room. | 15:36:56 |
| solderfumes joined the room. | 15:37:34 |