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18 Nov 2018
@freenode_FiReSTaRT:matrix.orgFiReSTaRT joined the room.15:43:32
@freenode_jasu:matrix.orgjasu joined the room.15:47:40
@freenode_asafniv:matrix.orgasafniv joined the room.16:32:39
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy left the room.16:32:42
@swedneck:swedneck.xyz@swedneck:swedneck.xyzis it a known issue that the "user mirrors" text on the repo screen is always black?16:55:04
@swedneck:swedneck.xyz@swedneck:swedneck.xyzor should i open an issue16:55:08
@telegram_39080058:t2bot.ioMarcus (Telegram)
In reply to @swedneck:swedneck.xyz
or should i open an issue
please open an issue! 😊
@swedneck:swedneck.xyz@swedneck:swedneck.xyzDo i need to bother with the details aside from fdroid version for such an issue?16:59:52
@telegram_39080058:t2bot.ioMarcus (Telegram)I guess Android version could be interesting.17:14:31
@swedneck:swedneck.xyz@swedneck:swedneck.xyzi'd include privileged extension version but fdroid crashed when i search for it17:16:05
@freenode_jasu:matrix.orgjasu left the room.17:16:31
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] Rudloff opened !3948: New app: MoneyWallet - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/394817:17:54
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot] [client] @swedneck opened #1642: User mirrors text is always black - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/issues/1642 17:18:05
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] tibbi opened !3949: Adding Simple Calendar Pro - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/394917:57:10
@freenode_freddd_:matrix.orgfreddd_ joined the room.18:11:11
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] tobexyz opened !3950: issue #1052 yaacc 2.0.0 - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/395018:18:18
@freenode_tjg1:matrix.orgtjg1 joined the room.18:34:44
@freenode_tjg1:matrix.orgtjg1 left the room.18:35:55
@freenode_tjg1:matrix.orgtjg1 joined the room.18:36:01
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstorm ⟳ apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/repo from Sat, 17 Nov 2018 18:48:36 GMT updated on Sun, 18 Nov 2018 18:48:46 GMT contains 419 apps. 2 updated: Subway Tooter, FairEmail. 18:53:41
@freenode_playful-owl:matrix.orgplayful-owl joined the room.19:04:15
@freenode_jasu:matrix.orgjasu joined the room.19:12:41
@freenode_jasu:matrix.orgjasu left the room.19:15:26
@freenode_jasu:matrix.orgjasu joined the room.19:15:53
@freenode_jasu:matrix.orgjasu left the room.19:16:06
@freenode_jasu:matrix.orgjasu joined the room.19:30:35
@telegram_515653897:t2bot.ionazanin (Telegram) joined the room.19:50:01
@freenode_thejack92:matrix.orgthejack92 joined the room.20:11:34
@freenode_cybrNaut:matrix.orgcybrNautf-droid crashed when trying to self-update20:21:14
@freenode_cybrNaut:matrix.orgcybrNautso i deleted f-droid, downloaded the APK to a desktop, then side-loaded it20:21:29

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