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18 Nov 2018
@freenode_jochensp1:matrix.orgjochensp1 left the room.02:06:29
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp joined the room.02:06:30
@freenode_hobbes:matrix.orghobbes left the room.02:10:41
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy joined the room.02:16:47
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy left the room.02:41:34
@telegram_553529106:t2bot.iojdrch (Telegram) joined the room.03:34:39
@kelvino:disroot.orgKelvino joined the room.03:46:39
@fruitsnack:matrix.orgDEHUMANIZEHey guys, amaze file manager was updated recently, however, it fails to build now05:03:05
@fruitsnack:matrix.orgDEHUMANIZEShould I open an issue?05:03:12
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy joined the room.06:01:15
@freenode_teal77:matrix.orgteal77 left the room.06:06:38
@freenode_teal77:matrix.orgteal77 joined the room.06:08:11
@freenode_FiReSTaRT:matrix.orgFiReSTaRT joined the room.06:27:29
@freenode_FiReSTaRT:matrix.orgFiReSTaRT left the room.06:32:07
@freenode_FiReSTaRT:matrix.orgFiReSTaRT joined the room.06:32:29
@freenode_FiReSTaRT:matrix.orgFiReSTaRT left the room.06:32:29
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] relan pushed to master: Tremotesf: fix 1.8.4 (22) - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/4099db8807:07:29
@freenode_naderman_:matrix.orgnaderman_ joined the room.07:26:46
@jappy56:matrix.orgjappy56 joined the room.08:58:10
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] licaon-kter pushed 11 commits to master - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/compare/4099db88...7c60939d09:15:15
@dragnucs:matrix.orgdragnucs joined the room.10:09:41
@freenode_perepujal:matrix.orgperepujal joined the room.10:29:30
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] tibbi opened !3946: Adding Simple Calendar Pro - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/394610:34:22
@freenode_MattJ:matrix.orgMattJ left the room.11:28:14
@freenode_Dezponia[m]:matrix.orgDezponia[m] (IRC) joined the room.11:37:24
@freenode_Dezponia[m]:matrix.orgDezponia[m] (IRC)Whats up with the Simple apps having a seperate "apps" for version 6.0?11:37:25
@telegram_510855363:t2bot.ioMartin CZ (Telegram)They are going to be paid, starting with version 6.11:41:37
@telegram_510855363:t2bot.ioMartin CZ (Telegram)
Edit to Martin CZ (Telegram)
They are going to be paid, starting with version 6.
Edit: They are going to be paid, starting with version 6. So both versions will exist in the Play Store.
@freenode_Dezponia[m]:matrix.orgDezponia[m] (IRC)Sooooo... what does that mean for F-Droid? Features missing unless paying and getting a "licence" somehow or something?11:44:06
@telegram_136958297:t2bot.ioChris (@MTFmu4 🇳🇿) (Telegram)I think that f-droid ends up with just the pro versions. Don't quote me on that11:44:41

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