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17 Nov 2018
@freenode_teal77:matrix.orgteal77 joined the room.06:06:32
@freenode_User_:matrix.orgUser_ joined the room.06:22:30
@freenode_User_:matrix.orgUser_How do I get fdroid on google play?06:23:05
@freenode_rottensalty07:matrix.orgrottensalty07 User_: You can't. 06:24:12
@freenode_User_:matrix.orgUser_umm, then how do I install it on my phone?06:25:59
@freenode_rottensalty07:matrix.orgrottensalty07User_: f-droid.org06:31:57
@freenode_Thisplaced:matrix.orgThisplaced joined the room.08:07:59
@hapmpt:matrix.orghapmpt joined the room.08:10:48
@freenode_BCMM:matrix.orgBCMM joined the room.08:26:43
@freenode_asafniv:matrix.orgasafniv joined the room.08:42:35
@freenode_ExtraCrispy:matrix.orgExtraCrispy joined the room.08:47:06
@freenode_learningc:matrix.orglearningc joined the room.09:00:24
@freenode_asafniv:matrix.orgasafniv left the room.09:01:46
@freenode_learningc:matrix.orglearningcInstalled f-droid09:14:38
@freenode_learningc:matrix.orglearningcAny recommended downloads?09:15:17
@embee-:matrix.orgembee- joined the room.09:17:52
@henridellal:matrix.org@henridellal:matrix.orgIt depends on what apps you need.09:21:07
@henridellal:matrix.org@henridellal:matrix.org I'd say Fennec/Lightning for browser, Simple Gallery, Vanilla Music. If you watch youtube, you may try NewPipe. You may also check Izzy's repo for more apps. 09:27:15
@henridellal:matrix.org@henridellal:matrix.org It's there: apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/repo 09:29:50
@freenode_perepujal:matrix.orgperepujal joined the room.09:38:38
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] relan pushed to master: updated urls for daniel_32.flexiblewallpaper - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/7235b30309:47:37
@freenode_etue:matrix.orgetue joined the room.09:58:12
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] tibbi opened !3942: removing some basic app versions, will be replaceā€¦ - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/394210:03:19
@telegram_510855363:t2bot.ioMartin CZ (Telegram) joined the room.10:38:00
@telegram_510855363:t2bot.ioMartin CZ (Telegram)Hi guys. F-Droid does not notify me of new updates. I've noticed this to be the case since a few versions back. I'm on v.1.4 right now.10:41:55
@telegram_510855363:t2bot.ioMartin CZ (Telegram)I'm not aware of changing any settings. Looking at settings now I'm a bit confused as how it should be. I do not want apps updates to be downloaded automatically but I do want repositories to be kept up-to-date and to be notified of app updates available.10:56:08
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)
In reply to @telegram_510855363:t2bot.io
I'm not aware of changing any settings. Looking at settings now I'm a bit confused as how it should be. I do not want apps updates to be downloaded automatically but I do want repositories to be kept up-to-date and to be notified of app updates available.
There is an issue about this I think. You may want to add your details there.
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] CiaranG pushed to master: Update known apks - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/a33359bd11:28:48
@freenode_hellbender:matrix.orghellbender joined the room.11:29:36
@freenode_User_:matrix.orgUser_ left the room.11:56:15

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