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9 Jan 2019
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][privext] eighthave opened #56: use checkbashisms in CI tests - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/privileged-extension/issues/5613:25:06
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] abma_de opened #1496: Flyve MDM Agent 2.0.0-rc.7 released - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/issues/149613:26:07
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] abma_de opened #1497: Flyve MDM Agent is wrongly (?) tagged with NoSou… - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/issues/149713:27:29
@telegram_634854203:t2bot.ioکرانه مهدی‌نژاد (Telegram) joined the room.13:32:54
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][privext] eighthave opened !42: shell script CI checks - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/privileged-extension/merge_requests/4213:34:15
@freenode_f8l:matrix.orgf8l left the room.14:01:31
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][privext] eighthave pushed 4 commits to master - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/privileged-extension/compare/885c1add...6bca750514:10:22
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][client] nikos_k opened #1680: butchered greek error message in Installed Apps l… - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/issues/168014:19:47
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] licaon-kter pushed to master: Flyve MDM Agent - add note of new app ID - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/1c04953f14:26:21
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] licaon-kter opened !4261: Flyve MDM Agent - new app ID - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/426114:31:51
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] licaon-kter pushed to master: Flyve MDM Agent - new app id - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/51f60e1914:32:06
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc cdesai: do you know if the latest versions of Andriod still turn off Wifi when Airplane Mode is enabled? I noticed that iPhones no longer do this 14:46:04
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc cdesai: also, I'm going to buy a device to work wiht Calyx. Which cheap device should I get? I want an Android One device to test with 14:46:34
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesai_hc: they do. you can still turn it back on14:46:40
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesai _hc: Mi A2 is what I have, not supported yet but I'll be working on it 14:46:54
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesaiif you can get a pixel or pixel 2 for cheap that would be best, can test right away14:47:09
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesai Mi A2 isn't even booting yet 14:47:17
@freenode_spaetz:matrix.orgspaetz left the room.14:47:25
@freenode_spaetz:matrix.orgspaetz joined the room.14:47:35
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcand I guess I want to avoid the A2 Lite, just in case14:52:28
@freenode_djr013:matrix.orgdjr013 left the room.14:53:31
@freenode_dsiypl4__:matrix.orgdsiypl4__ joined the room.15:04:10
In reply to @eighthave:matrix.org
Coffee: where should I put things to add to TWIF? e.g. ^
TWIF submission thread is best. Or you can ping me in one of the two rooms.
In reply to @eighthave:matrix.org
jochensp: I assumed that was for public submissions, I thought there was somewhere where core team has write access.
Not currently. What would be the added value of such a place?
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcthanks, sorry, I'm sure you've told me that before...15:27:34
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc Marcus (BubuIIC): did you ever make an anonymous, reusable gitlab account? 15:29:02
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)nope15:29:12
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc I guess it should go to team@f-droid.org? 15:29:42
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcactually, I think the bot might already go there15:29:49
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcok, set one up, if anyone needs to log into gitlab without using their normal credentials:15:40:02

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