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26 Feb 2019
@telegram_39080058:t2bot.ioMarcus (Telegram)
In reply to M!guel (Telegram)
try clearing f-droid's data. it's probably the effects of an old bug in showing the installed packages
@freenode_AlexandruMarcelT:matrix.orgAlexandruMarcelT joined the room.16:31:05
@freenode_pts:matrix.orgpts joined the room.16:31:11
@freenode_LetterBox:matrix.orgLetterBox joined the room.16:33:15
@freenode_BCMM:matrix.orgBCMM joined the room.17:00:18
@mapel:matrix.orgmapel M!guel (Telegram): 1) Clear the app's data. 2) Go through the process of redoing the app's setting. 3) Re-add all your repos. 4) Do this once or twice a day. In no time you can breeze through the process. 17:03:16
@freenode_cup`ocoffee:matrix.orgcup`ocoffee joined the room.17:04:22
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuit should only be required once17:04:36
@mapel:matrix.orgmapelIt may be possible to get by with doing it only once a day.17:05:44
@freenode_qqn:matrix.orgqqn joined the room.17:05:52
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu mapel: no, once, as in only once ever 17:08:28
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuif you need to do it more often than that, can you open a bugreport?17:08:51
@freenode_tryagain:matrix.orgtryagain joined the room.17:28:59
@freenode_hobbes:matrix.orghobbes left the room.17:37:16
@freenode_pts:matrix.orgpts left the room.17:43:02
@mapel:matrix.orgmapel It's probably the effects of an old bug that they know about. 17:58:05
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] CiaranG pushed 20 commits to master - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/compare/75dfdab7...6b4e1d5618:02:10
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] relan pushed to master: Update Nounours to 3.4.8 (348) - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/a02c396818:30:52
@freenode_izh_:matrix.orgizh_ joined the room.18:33:55
@lazar0us:matrix.orglazar0us joined the room.18:41:08
@lazar0us:matrix.orglazar0us left the room.18:41:59
@dkanada:dkanada.comdkanada joined the room.18:59:43
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstorm ⟳ apt.izzysoft.de from Mon, 25 Feb 2019 18:45:20 GMT updated on Tue, 26 Feb 2019 18:55:14 GMT contains 390 apps. 16 updated: NCalc+, IOTA Wallet, MensaPlan, PhoneProfiles, v2ray, RxDroid, kcptun, FairEmail, TwittaSave, Shuttle, Music, PhoneProfilesPlus, UsbGps, DNG Processor, SeriesGuide, Android Application Crash. 19:02:48
@dkanada:dkanada.comdkanadaI have an app with the play services libs in use19:06:53
@dkanada:dkanada.comdkanadaI can remove them with an npx command before the app is built but will fdroid still block the build? not familiar at all with how it goes about checking for jars or libs19:07:58
@dkanada:dkanada.comdkanadabut its finally time to add the app to fdroid so I need to figure it out haha19:08:24
@freenode_craftyguy_:matrix.orgcraftyguy_ joined the room.19:23:40
@freenode_eof_:matrix.orgeof_ joined the room.19:24:17
@stephan.meyer:matrix.orgStephan Meyer joined the room.20:14:07
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc dkanada: if your build doesn't need proprietary bits for the process or the result, then it can go in fdroid :) 20:17:22

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