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26 Feb 2019
@dkanada:dkanada.comdkanadait needs google play for the play and amazon versions20:18:07
@dkanada:dkanada.comdkanadaI would set up an easy flavor to fix that but the app uses cordova which seems to not support it20:18:51
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcso I'm starting to work on making a bunch of app summaries in translatable in fdroiddata so I wanted to get a little pre-screening from fdroiddata team before putting too much work in:20:19:48
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc dkanada: you can also remove proprietary bits using scandelete:, patch:, or any of the script fields like prebuild: 20:20:21
@freenode_lookshe:matrix.orglookshe left the room.20:27:49
@freenode_abaisteabaiste:matrix.orgabaisteabaiste joined the room.20:28:00
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] Rudloff opened !4549: cone: Disable update check because it detects an … - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/454920:58:42
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] Rudloff pushed to master: cone: Disable update check because it detects an … - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/39960ae821:00:58
@freenode_izh_:matrix.orgizh_ left the room.21:01:21
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][website] computersalat opened #337: https://f-droid.org/FDroid.apk is old version 1.3… - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroid-website/issues/33721:02:26
@freenode_craftyguy_:matrix.orgcraftyguy_ left the room.21:08:52
@freenode_BCMM:matrix.orgBCMM left the room.21:29:10
@freenode_rafalcpp:matrix.orgrafalcpp left the room.21:34:17
@tcit:matrix.tcit.frtcit joined the room.21:51:21
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot] [forum] New thread: "BlackBerry Watch" - https://forum.f-droid.org/t/blackberry-watch 22:16:56
@_xmpp_izzy=2f=23fdroid=23matrix.org=40bridge.xmpp.matrix.org:matrix.orgizzyViUsh (Telegram): no archive at IzzyOnDroid. That's always empty.22:24:49
@telegram_145512169:t2bot.ioViUsh (Telegram)
In reply to @_xmpp_izzy=2f=23fdroid=23matrix.org=40bridge.xmpp.matrix.org:matrix.org
ViUsh (Telegram): no archive at IzzyOnDroid. That's always empty.
Ohh okay. Tbh I did not check
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstorm ⟳ apt.izzysoft.de from Tue, 26 Feb 2019 18:55:14 GMT updated on Tue, 26 Feb 2019 22:28:02 GMT contains 392 apps. 2 added: GitNex, P2Play. 22:33:06
@krombel:msg-net.de@krombel:msg-net.deIs there a way to export (and later reimport) the package sources list?22:33:48
@telegram_145512169:t2bot.ioViUsh (Telegram)
In reply to @krombel:msg-net.de
Is there a way to export (and later reimport) the package sources list?
I have been trying to find that.
I use oandbackup currently
@telegram_145512169:t2bot.ioViUsh (Telegram)But that breaks FDroid settings at times22:34:53
@telegram_145512169:t2bot.ioViUsh (Telegram)
Edit to ViUsh (Telegram)
But that breaks FDroid settings at times
Edit: But restoring that breaks FDroid settings at times
@freenode_cup`ocoffee:matrix.orgcup`ocoffee left the room.22:39:03
@freenode_BCMM:matrix.orgBCMM joined the room.22:41:15
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] eighthave pushed to master: Kontalk: include Translation: link - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/ea7de20522:50:11
@freenode_WildSoft:matrix.orgWildSoft left the room.23:50:38
27 Feb 2019
@freenode_riff-IRC:matrix.orgriff-IRC joined the room.00:00:43
@freenode_thomasross:matrix.orgthomasross joined the room.00:19:19

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