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24 Feb 2019
@freenode_nhbh^:matrix.orgnhbh^ joined the room.21:54:35
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot] [forum] New thread: "Is there any prank app like Got 'Em?" - https://forum.f-droid.org/t/is-there-any-prank-app-like-got-em 21:56:27
@alx.604:matrix.orgalx.604 joined the room.22:01:16
@Brainstorm:matrix.orgBrainstorm ⟳ f-droid.org from Sat, 23 Feb 2019 10:32:37 GMT updated on Sun, 24 Feb 2019 21:16:39 GMT contains 1832 apps. 21 updated: Fedilab, Quasseldroid, Call Recorder, Essential Launcher, openHAB Beta, BMI Calculator, Dib2Qm, SMS Gate, Conversations, WaveUp, Book Reader, FairEmail, piggybudget, Quicksy, Nextcloud Talk, File Manager, Hourly Reminder, Vinyl, Indigenous, miniVector, Pdf Viewer Plus. 22:42:23
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] CiaranG pushed to master: Update known apks - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/dce29e9e22:49:14
@freenode_nhbh^:matrix.orgnhbh^ left the room.22:56:53
@freenode_nuh^:matrix.orgnuh^ joined the room.22:57:25
@telegram_39080058:t2bot.ioMarcus (Telegram)
In reply to @freenode_LjL:matrix.org
Bubu, https://www.reddit.com/r/FDroidUpdates/
not yet updated?
@freenode_LjL:matrix.orgLjL Marcus (Telegram), it updated, but it updated by editing the same post where it had posted the izzydroid update previously... it's a quirk that should be solved for next time, though 23:02:10
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuI see, thanks23:03:06
@freenode_LjL:matrix.orgLjL i didn't spot it before because in r/test it wasn't happening because of reasons 23:04:25
@telegram_22292212:t2bot.ioNicolas Maia (Telegram) can anyone merge this, please? https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/4447 23:11:42
@freenode_BCMM:matrix.orgBCMM left the room.23:10:44
@telegram_22292212:t2bot.ioNicolas Maia (Telegram)izzy, maybe?23:11:50
@telegram_39080058:t2bot.ioMarcus (Telegram)
In reply to Nicolas Maia (Telegram)
can anyone merge this, please? https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/4447
started reviweing it.
@telegram_22292212:t2bot.ioNicolas Maia (Telegram)
In reply to Marcus (Telegram)
started reviweing it.
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] alensiljak opened !4538: Update com.money.manager.ex.yml commit tag - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/453823:19:04
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] Bubu pushed to master: Update com.money.manager.ex.yml commit tag - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/e54a9daa23:24:12
@_xmpp_izzy=2f=23fdroid=23matrix.org=40bridge.xmpp.matrix.org:matrix.orgizzyNicolas Maia (Telegram): izzy doesn't merge things that include build stuff.23:27:19
@_xmpp_izzy=2f=23fdroid=23matrix.org=40bridge.xmpp.matrix.org:matrix.orgizzy(I've got no build experience)23:28:00
@_xmpp_licaon.kter=2f=23fdroid=23matrix.org=40bridge.xmpp.matrix.org:matrix.org_xmpp_licaon.kter=2f=23fdroid=23matrix.org=40bridge.xmpp.matrix.org joined the room.23:33:39
@freenode_eubarbosa:matrix.orgeubarbosa left the room.23:41:20
@telegram_22292212:t2bot.ioNicolas Maia (Telegram)
In reply to @_xmpp_izzy=2f=23fdroid=23matrix.org=40bridge.xmpp.matrix.org:matrix.org
Nicolas Maia (Telegram): izzy doesn't merge things that include build stuff.
25 Feb 2019
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] Bubu opened !4539: yml: p* - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/453900:16:51
@fruitsnack:matrix.orgCHADMIN Bubu: 00:27:31
@fruitsnack:matrix.orgCHADMINcould you also check this one please https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/453000:27:41
@fruitsnack:matrix.orgCHADMINI'm mainly interested in how to handle lack of the repo00:28:02
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu DEHUMANIZE: generally looks good. 00:36:07
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuwhy do they not use a VCS again?00:36:20
@fruitsnack:matrix.orgCHADMIN I don't know, the port author just uploads the code in tarballs, along with binaries 00:36:48

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