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24 Feb 2019
@freenode_BCMM:matrix.orgBCMM joined the room.15:10:32
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] Bubu pushed to master: Update com.money.manager.ex.yml to 2019.02.24.1 - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/548f712b15:19:35
@freenode_Cyna_:matrix.orgCyna_ left the room.15:31:40
@freenode_marconline:matrix.orgmarconline left the room.15:33:08
@freenode_aschildbach:matrix.orgaschildbach left the room.16:12:12
@freenode_garym:matrix.orggarym left the room.16:43:31
@freenode_garym:matrix.orggarym joined the room.16:43:57
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] Poussinou opened !4535: Move dulleh.akhyou.fdroid to the archive - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/453516:47:39
@telegram_65376160:t2bot.ioKabir (Telegram)
In reply to M86xKC (Telegram)
Idk about what
ネプギア (nepugia) is talking about, but you can setup your own. I know this from various linux podcasts for example Ubuntupodcast.org/telegram

For example you can setup fdroid.org/telegram
cool thanks
@telegram_65376160:t2bot.ioKabir (Telegram)
In reply to @freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org
[data] Poussinou opened !4535: Move dulleh.akhyou.fdroid to the archive - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/4535
Is this a bot or user?
@telegram_145512169:t2bot.ioViUsh (Telegram)Bot16:54:31
@telegram_145512169:t2bot.ioViUsh (Telegram)To bridge chat clients16:54:44
@telegram_145512169:t2bot.ioViUsh (Telegram) FDroid is force closing big time since the last 2 hours @BubuIIC @thermatk 16:55:27
@telegram_39080058:t2bot.ioMarcus (Telegram)
In reply to ViUsh (Telegram)
FDroid is force closing big time since the last 2 hours @BubuIIC @thermatk
better report an issue at gitlab
@telegram_145512169:t2bot.ioViUsh (Telegram)I don't have a gitlab account mate16:56:26
@telegram_145512169:t2bot.ioViUsh (Telegram)Actually few more have reported this16:56:35
@telegram_145512169:t2bot.ioViUsh (Telegram)Any other way to let them know?16:56:46
@henridellal:matrix.org@henridellal:matrix.orgDoes anybody know an application to block some outgoing SMS?17:03:05
@henridellal:matrix.org@henridellal:matrix.org I wonder if it's even possible. 17:03:26
@telegram_39080058:t2bot.ioMarcus (Telegram)
In reply to ViUsh (Telegram)
Any other way to let them know?
there should be a crash report prompt you can send via email.
@telegram_39080058:t2bot.ioMarcus (Telegram)include reproduction steps into the comment field17:10:45
@telegram_39080058:t2bot.ioMarcus (Telegram)that gets send to the right people17:10:57
@telegram_145512169:t2bot.ioViUsh (Telegram)Cool17:11:52
@telegram_145512169:t2bot.ioViUsh (Telegram)Will do that17:11:57
@freenode_garym:matrix.orggarym HenriDellal: What's the use case? 17:26:40
@freenode_riff_IRC:matrix.orgriff_IRC joined the room.17:35:49
@freenode_cup`ocoffee:matrix.orgcup`ocoffee left the room.17:37:42
@telegram_39080058:t2bot.ioMarcus (Telegram)
In reply to Kabir (Telegram)
Is this a bot or user?
In this case it's also an IRC bot reporting on f-droid repository activity
@freenode_riff_IRC:matrix.orgriff_IRC left the room.17:39:20

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