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25 Feb 2019
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] Bubu pushed 10 commits to master - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/compare/ee8851d6...ce8fe2df13:38:52
@freenode_comradekingu:matrix.orgcomradekingu_hc: https://github.com/WeblateOrg/weblate/issues/2541#issuecomment-464405830 is my view of the feasible things to do with Weblate without getting visionary13:41:06
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc MTRNord: I think you'd have to do it with flavor tricks. like setting the app name using 13:41:37
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc resValue "string", "app_name", "Foo" 13:41:49
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc comradekingu: sounds good, I don't know much about that specific topic 13:44:24
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcI'm currently working on app store texts and blog posts13:44:33
@eighthave:matrix.org_hchave you seen anyone putting the app store descriptions into Transifex?13:47:35
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcI've only seen Haven, and it looked really bad13:47:51
@freenode_DjCray:matrix.orgDjCray left the room.13:58:37
@freenode_ced117:matrix.orgced117 left the room.14:12:22
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] Bubu pushed to master: remove executable permission from all metadata fi… - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/3f925f1b14:13:52
@freenode_pyfgcr:matrix.orgpyfgcr left the room.14:14:12
@freenode_comradekingu:matrix.orgcomradekingu_hc: Only the guardianproject that I remember, I dont have access to my Transifex account since I wont accept their new terms14:14:58
@freenode_comradekingu:matrix.orgcomradekinguVLC maybe?14:15:15
@freenode_comradekingu:matrix.orgcomradekinguI did some changes to the Haven metadata strings today, hoping it improves things14:16:39
@freenode_comradekingu:matrix.orgcomradekingu If you mean formatting, I don't think lineshifts make it into F-Droid descriptions 14:18:15
@freenode_BCMM:matrix.orgBCMM joined the room.14:21:51
@freenode_LetterBox:matrix.orgLetterBox joined the room.14:25:33
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc comradekingu: do you know a translator who is still working with transifex that would help us here? I want to make sure the changes we are doing don't break things there 14:25:36
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcbut then also, I want to encourage people to move to Weblate :)14:25:45
@freenode_comradekingu:matrix.orgcomradekinguIs it pulling from both right now?14:31:31
@ashishmistry:matrix.orgashishmistry joined the room.14:31:50
@freenode_comradekingu:matrix.orgcomradekinguWhat help is needed?14:32:15
@freenode_hobbes:matrix.orghobbes left the room.14:38:22
@paddy44:matrix.orgpaddy44 joined the room.14:46:19
@mikolai:dorfbrunnen.euMikolai> comradekingu: do you know a translator who is still working with transifex that would help us here? _hc (@eighthave:matrix.org) : not sure, but I think Transportr is using transifex still, isn't it?14:47:49
@freenode_eubarbosa:matrix.orgeubarbosa joined the room.14:53:42
@freenode_eubarbosa:matrix.orgeubarbosa left the room.15:06:12
@freenode_comradekingu:matrix.orgcomradekinguAO is using both, communia too15:09:59
@freenode_aschildbach:matrix.orgaschildbach left the room.15:14:27

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