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18 Nov 2022
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7Do any of the music markets use it? itunes or anything?23:13:27
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijs(expensive in energy, and storage space, that is)23:13:37
In reply to @enigma9o7:matrix.org
Do any of the music markets use it? itunes or anything?
Not that I'm aware of.
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7It really just turned into a gold mine for people making money.23:14:03
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7I would like some money and/or gold.23:14:16
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7But what you can find is "marketplaces" where NFTs are sold. 🙃23:14:34
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7But I have no digital art to sell.23:14:36
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7And if I made some, I dont think anyone would want to buy it.23:14:50
In reply to @enigma9o7:matrix.org
And if I made some, I dont think anyone would want to buy it.
Oh you'd be surprised for what garbage people spend money.
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7Well that's true.23:15:17
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7It's really just artificial moon prices for garbage23:15:20
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7Art is truly subjective.23:15:24
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7That whole "my toddler could make that"23:15:34
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7Oh it's even worse than that.23:15:49
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaNFTs aren't about art, they're just speculative investments. You buy it with the intent to sell it to the next sucker who you think will pay even more23:15:56
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7I didn't even follow the whole thing for the past year, wasn't there a lot talk about the NFT market collapsing about half a year ago?23:16:59
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7 * I didn't even follow the whole thing for the past half year, wasn't there a lot talk about the NFT market collapsing about half a year ago?23:17:07
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7Hmmm. I always go by, used stuff is worth half the original price, if in good condition.23:17:12
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaSomething like that yeah, luckily, finally23:17:13
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7But digital art, they're hoping it goes up, like real art.23:17:19
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaMaybe it can collapse properly before we reach 1.5 degrees global warming23:17:25
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7I think we're already close, no?23:18:04
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7We have to be at least 1 degree up....23:18:14
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7There are realy bigger issues for global warming.23:18:18
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7yeah like mining crypto23:18:28
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7that is wasting a lot of energy destroying the planet23:18:34
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7The problem is not how much energy we use but how that energy is produced23:18:34
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviahttps://lettuce.wtf/ but instead of a lettuce and twitter it is the earth's climate and NFTs23:18:35
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7We could use then times more energy and it wouldn't be an issue if all of it was produced renewably.23:19:14

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