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18 Nov 2022
In reply to @SylvieLorxu:matrix.org
Blockchain is a scam and getting involved with those grifters in any way is a recipe for disaster
I disagree, blockchain is an amazing technology. The issue is that pretty much the only realistic and reasonable usage for it is payment systems. It's just a huge buzz around it where everybody tries to make a quick buck on the back of the technology.
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsthe thing is though: how does it help as a payment system?22:55:31
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7Also NFTs are actually trying to solve a real and existing issue. The problem there is just that the way they try to "solve it" is bad, garbage, and not a real workable way.22:55:39
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijswhat real problems are nfts solving?22:55:53
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7How current copyright is useless and not working for the digital age.22:56:24
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7 (Old)what are nfts?22:56:29
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7Artists are working hard to make some art, then you just rightclick, save it and done.22:56:43
In reply to @srr24x7:envs.net
How current copyright is useless and not working for the digital age.
I don't see how nfts help there
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsthey're just a massively wastefull way of doing a notary22:56:56
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaNFTs don't solve the copyright issue because random people can make the initial claim instead of the author which is something that happens literally more often than the author making the initial claims22:57:00
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsoh, and of course they're very bug-prone22:57:06
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaAnd it's not even legally recognized so it's completely worthless in court22:57:10
In reply to @SylvieLorxu:matrix.org
NFTs don't solve the copyright issue because random people can make the initial claim instead of the author which is something that happens literally more often than the author making the initial claims
As I said, NFTs aren't working. But the reason they were initially made was for a good case.
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaYeah, sure. But even the person who designed NFTs has stepped away from it because it never got past the proof of concept phase and he wasn't happy with how it worked22:58:01
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7Yeah no surprise there lol22:58:16
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaDidn't stop the scammy web3 crowd from keeping it alive to scam people though22:58:16
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7Well you got the right keeword there. "web3.0" that's where you got all the scamming22:58:41
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7I literally didn't see a single "web 3.0" thing so far that wasn't conceptually complete garbage and obviously just designed to make money.22:59:12
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7If you see "web 3.0" written anywhere to describe some "amazing" new project, then you can pretty much already assume by default that it's either straight up a scam or just a bad idea that should be trashed.23:00:28
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7* Well you got the right keyword there. "web3.0" that's where you got all the scamming23:00:54
In reply to @enigma9o7:matrix.org
what are nfts?
NFTs are "Non-Fungible Token". Initially an idea to have ownership on a digital piece of art, so that artists actually could make money selling their art like you can by selling a painting in real life. It was supposed to be a way for artists to get payment for their work.
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7Sadly the whole concept didn't really work out.23:07:26
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7 (Old)So it's basically a receipt for digital art?23:07:39
@enigma9o7:matrix.orgenigma9o7 (Old)Proving you paid for it or whatever?23:07:50
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaA receipt that can be made by anyone, including the person who didn't make the art23:08:03
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7These days it's just another gold mine for money making after people can't make enough money with crypto anymore.23:08:08
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaSo it's not proof of payment23:08:08
In reply to @enigma9o7:matrix.org
So it's basically a receipt for digital art?
sure, but in code, so, you know, you don't know who made the receipt, and you don't know how it works with weird edge-cases
@srr24x7:envs.netsrr24x7People are trading NFTs now for joke prices, it's a gold rush for who can make the most money.23:08:59

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