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16 Jul 2021
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp..or add it to an existing one20:07:26
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzyI just added a note there.20:08:50
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy jochensp: I'm not deep enough into Python for that, but how does "if foo" deal with "foo=None"? 20:11:49
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzyNone is no bool, is it?20:12:00
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspNone is false20:12:07
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy The CI log's first error is: "ERROR: FROM_CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID env var int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'NoneType'" 20:12:39
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzyAh, my bad, so the error is thrown BEFORE the if already.20:13:05
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy But there it's handled by an exception, so that function returns "None". 20:13:38
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy Ha! Quack! That must be the problem. Can you please cross-check the latest "issuebot.py" on line 611 and confirm that "merge_request = None" has the wrong indention and should be shifted up one line? Because if it would be set to "None" before the "return". 20:15:51
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy Or, to be on the safe side, just put that line before the "try"? 20:16:33
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy Hrm. The place I *guess* it fails evaluates the return value of that function. But it returns NOTHING (just "return", no value). 20:17:45
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy So maybe at the end of that "except" it should instead "return false"? 20:18:21
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspIzzy: 611 and the function around it looks fine to me20:18:26
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinismJust noticed the github issues about FDroid Ltd closing and instead centering operations on open collective20:18:29
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinismAlso the search for a fiscal sponsor20:18:59
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy jochensp: Yepp, I retract that. But it should be "return false" in the "except" block, so the "if" evaluates to "false"? 20:19:08
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspIzzy: which line?20:19:59
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinismWondering if https://platform6.coop/ would be suitable? They are an active Open Collective Fiscal Host (meant that not sponsor)20:20:26
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinismThey also take a small cut20:20:36
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzyjochensp: evaluated on line 78520:20:58
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinismGuess it would need fdroid to declare itself a coop20:21:06
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinismBut i think it kind of maybe already is?20:21:20
@DzzzzzzR:matrix.orgdazinismJust have to agree with the coop principles20:21:47
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy Which works fine if it is a MR – but gets "nothing" on an RFP issue. 20:21:50
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspIzzy: a return None would be better but just return does the same20:22:11
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy OK, thanks – then I'm on the wrong track. 20:22:28

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