F-Droid Devs

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20 May 2022
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylvia Licaon_Kter[xmpp]: About Element linking Jitsi Meet: I think it was meant as a "we excluded GMS like this before so we aren't super worried about this change" 16:59:19
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp]Grrreeat, meanwhile...not working for me.17:00:14
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaYeah I read, not sure what's going on there :(17:08:08

I just updated (a test copy of) f-droid.org repo with a diff for the first time in history. It was almost to fast to notice :D

14:44:07 I/o*.f*.d*.HttpManager: GET https://people.debian.org/~jspricke/fdroid/repo/entry.jar
14:44:09 I/o*.f*.d*.HttpManager: GET https://people.debian.org/~jspricke/fdroid/repo/diff/1652974044000.json
14:44:10 D/UpdateService: Committing F-Droid(1/92)
14:44:11 D/UpdateService: Committing F-Droid(92/92)

One second to get the diff into the DB 🎉

@grote:matrix.orggrote *

I just updated (a test copy of) f-droid.org repo with a diff for the first time in history. It was almost too fast to notice :D

14:44:07 I/o*.f*.d*.HttpManager: GET https://people.debian.org/~jspricke/fdroid/repo/entry.jar
14:44:09 I/o*.f*.d*.HttpManager: GET https://people.debian.org/~jspricke/fdroid/repo/diff/1652974044000.json
14:44:10 D/UpdateService: Committing F-Droid(1/92)
14:44:11 D/UpdateService: Committing F-Droid(92/92)

One second to get the diff into the DB 🎉

@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaI'm going to have to learn to check in Settings -> Repositories if I just updated I guess :P17:50:29
@grote:matrix.orggroteMy nightly is already checking all repos for v2 support, so as soon as f-droid.org publishes its first v2 index, it should get picked up automatically. Otherwise, you need to find one of those rare v2-ready repos for testing.17:52:03
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaWhat makes it v2-ready? Just latest fdroidserver?17:52:53
@grote:matrix.orggroteUnfortunately, not even that. You need to also run code from https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/-/merge_requests/109217:55:00
21 May 2022
@hainish:matrix.orghainishHello! I'm wondering if F-Droid supports split apks? I'm working on support for this in https://github.com/EFForg/apkeep/ for Google Play, but not too familiar with the split apk format...03:02:43
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp hainish: afaik F-Droid does not support it 05:37:29
@_oftc_captainepoch:matrix.orgcaptainepoch joined the room.10:52:42
@proletarius101:matrix.orgproletarius101technically it does. It just doesn't support auto update of split apks (it can only auto-update the build recipe of 1 format)11:11:42
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaHow do I figure out what version of the privileged extension I'm running? I found a bug in it I'm trying to report but I'm having trouble figuring out the version I'm on11:15:16
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp Sylvia: how did you install it? 11:16:30
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaIt came pre-installed with the ROM (LineageOS for microG)11:16:53
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp Sylvia: I guess it is this one: https://github.com/lineageos4microg/android_vendor_partner_gms/tree/master/FDroidPrivilegedExtension 11:20:17
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaOh nice version code is in there11:21:08
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylvia Thanks jochensp, that should help me fill in the whole bug report :) 11:21:34
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspaccording to apktool it is 0.2.1311:21:59
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp Sylvia: alternatively something like this: adb pull /system/priv-app/F-DroidPrivilegedExtension/F-DroidPrivilegedExtension.apk 11:25:44
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaHmm that gives me "No such file or directory"11:26:35
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaWell, issue made anyway: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/privileged-extension/-/issues/84 :)11:27:55
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspmaybe a different directory, try adb shell; find / -name FDroidPrivilegedExtension.apk11:28:13
@_oftc_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspand you may need adb root first11:28:22
In reply to @SylvieLorxu:matrix.org
Well, issue made anyway: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/privileged-extension/-/issues/84 :)
Maybe the priv ext isn't allowed to uninstall apps it didn't install. There's a new permission for this.
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaWell, that would be the easiest explanation for this issue11:37:40
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaAnd often the simplest explanation is the right one11:37:53
In reply to @_oftc_jochensp:matrix.org
maybe a different directory, try adb shell; find / -name FDroidPrivilegedExtension.apk
Thanks, it was system/product/priv-app/FDroidPrivilegedExtension/FDroidPrivilegedExtension.apk. Using that with apktool I could confirm the exact version
@_oftc_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999 joined the room.12:50:38

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