F-Droid Devs

186 Members
#fdroid-dev F-Droid development discussion only | Use #fdroid:f-droid.org for general, app- and repo-related matters | Meeting every Thursday, odd weeks 11:30 UTC even weeks 18:00 UTC | Agenda: https://pad.riseup.net/p/fdroid-dev-meetings-keep | This channel is publicly logged at https://matrix.f-droid.org/alias/%23fdroid-dev:f-droid.org34 Servers

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14 Oct 2021
@deimos:kde.orgdeimosfrom what i read in MRs for fdroidserver, there are vagrant updates waiting to be merged07:07:03
@deimos:kde.orgdeimosor is it basebox?07:09:04
@deimos:kde.orgdeimosfwiw, i read this, https://f-droid.org/docs/Build_Server_Setup/ and the fdroidserver setup07:23:25
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaCan someone look at https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/-/merge_requests/1062, perhaps throw it into the meeting?08:39:50
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp]Why is there a NetGuard keygen in the F-Droid repos? :))08:51:30
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] linsui: did you test that too? 08:51:31
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] I guess it's open source, and the algo can be reverted, but heh 08:51:31
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiI didn't test that function.09:06:07
@fdroid-meeting-alert-bot:matrix.orgfdroid-meeting-alert-botPing @SylvieLorxu:matrix.org @eighthave:matrix.org @obfusk:matrix.org @uniq:matrix.org Izzy: Weekly meeting at https://meet.calyx.net/fdroid starting11:25:15
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy Different room today? Calyx cert has expired, and thanks to HSTS the browser won't let me in: NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID 11:30:10
@uniq:matrix.orgmichaelmeet.calyx.net seems to offline, or is it my connection?11:30:12
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy michael: ^^ cert expired 11:30:27
In reply to @SylvieLorxu:matrix.org
Can someone look at https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/-/merge_requests/1062, perhaps throw it into the meeting?
this one
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiPlease also look at https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/-/merge_requests/102311:39:12
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdehttps://gitlab.com/fdroid/issuebot/-/merge_requests/41 is what I wrote for targetSdk11:47:41
@_oftc_Izzy:matrix.orgIzzy found the place in .gitlab-ci.yml – will watch issuebot and disable hostnames if needed then (as said it somehow ran again yesterday, so I want to make sure it's really still necessary). 11:50:23
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcsome notes:11:51:48
@festplattenschnitzel:matrix.orgFestplattenSchnitzelBTW https://gitlab.com/fdroid/issuebot/-/merge_requests/39/ should be ready to merge (rework of Black code style checks in CI).11:52:26
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdethis is https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/-/merge_requests/106311:54:28
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdeblogpost: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroid-website/-/merge_requests/72111:54:39
Download Screenshot_2021-10-14_17-43-01.png
@cdesai:matrix.orgcdeI did https://stackoverflow.com/a/28809698 directly from the Browser.12:13:29
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaIt may be time for us to tweet at Google for Nearby btw...12:20:53
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaSomething like this:12:21:16

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