16 Dec 2021 |
| mimi89999 joined the room. | 09:20:38 |
| moose joined the room. | 09:25:17 |
| moose left the room. | 09:25:26 |
grote | In reply to @eighthave:matrix.org grote: jochensp speaking of the meeting, can you two make it today so we can start discussiing index-v2? I am full until next week. | 09:50:37 |
_hc | how about we do the index-v1 kickoff on like Jan 6th | 09:51:50 |
| moose joined the room. | 09:52:06 |
grote | * I am busy until next week. | 09:54:10 |
grote | Can be earlier for me, but Jan 6 would work. | 09:55:26 |
FestplattenSchnitzel | _hc Do you have some time to take another look at https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/-/merge_requests/1014? | 09:59:06 |
| mimi89999 left the room. | 10:06:45 |
jochensp | _hc: on the 6th I have meetings from 18:30-21:00 CET | 10:18:01 |
jochensp | otherwise fine with me | 10:18:20 |
_hc | grote: is 11:30 UTC too early for you? That's the regular fdroid meeting time on Jan 6th | 10:19:07 |
| mimi89999 joined the room. | 10:48:42 |
| moose left the room. | 11:02:22 |
| bluepie joined the room. | 11:04:06 |
| bluepie left the room. | 11:20:25 |
| bluepie joined the room. | 11:20:31 |
bluepie | isn't the bot supposed to send a msg?, its past 11:25 | 11:27:56 |
j.r | In reply to @_oftc_bluepie:matrix.org isn't the bot supposed to send a msg?, its past 11:25 It's in the topic, week number 50 is a even week = 1800 UTC | 11:28:41 |
j.r | So five and a half hour still to go... | 11:29:12 |
bluepie | ...dang it, | 11:30:17 |
bluepie | i can not at that time today :(, will the meeting/ summary be posted somewhere? | 11:32:47 |
bluepie | sry im newbie, I dont know how stuff work here | 11:33:24 |
jochensp | bluepie: we will post some stuff here but usually not a complete summary. Anything specific you are interested in? | 11:34:32 |
bluepie | I have no idea what will be discussed so nothing specific in mind | 11:38:13 |
_hc | part of the meeting is like office hours, so like topics that people bring | 11:52:44 |
cde | It seems like we may need more mods on #fdroid:f-droid.org | 11:57:21 |
cde | FestplattenSchnitzel: ^ maybe we should make you a mod? And others too if thats fine | 11:57:57 |
grote | In reply to @eighthave:matrix.org grote: is 11:30 UTC too early for you? That's the regular fdroid meeting time on Jan 6th A tad early indeed, but possible. | 11:59:12 |