F-Droid Devs

106 Members
F-Droid development discussion only | Use #fdroid:f-droid.org for general, app- and repo-related matters | Meeting every Thursday at 11:30 UTC | This channel is publicly logged at https://matrix.f-droid.org/alias/%23fdroid-dev:f-droid.org 18 Servers

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18 Dec 2019
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcbuildserver goes on xmas holiday20:05:06
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcturns out Apple shuts down its App Store this Friday for 1-2 weeks20:05:21
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcmaybe just one week20:05:27
@donnny:matrix.orgdonnny left the room.20:05:32
@shad0wbit:privacytools.ioshad0wbit left the room.20:05:39
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspthat reads like we would use the Apple server ;)20:07:33
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu jochensp: we didn't have any source repo wirh metadata right? 20:35:41
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuwe just used the one from the main repo?20:35:59
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuI see.20:42:08
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuI think I'm going to set it up to pull fdroiddata reglarily and then build our subset of apps.20:42:37
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuso others can submit metadata fixes as well.20:43:05
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspawesome :)20:43:38
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu jochensp: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2019/wiki/index.php/Session:F-Droid_Meetup 21:12:10
@bubu:bubu1.euBubustill need a confirmation by c-base I think21:12:20
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuwrote them an email21:12:31
@freenode_apol:matrix.orgapol left the room.21:13:40
@freenode_apol:matrix.orgapol joined the room.22:48:56
@freenode_apol_:matrix.orgapol_ joined the room.23:24:23
19 Dec 2019
@freenode_jochensp1:matrix.orgjochensp1 joined the room.02:10:28
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcFYI, the buildserver is working away: https://f-droid.org/wiki/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&days=7&from=&hidebots=0&hideanons=1&hideliu=1&limit=50009:47:23
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspawesome :)09:47:43
@eighthave:matrix.org_hctutanota built09:47:53
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspdo you know why it was stuck?09:48:01
Download IMG_20191219_14045-1.jpg
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7stickers! \o/13:12:21
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspTovok7: are you coming to 36C3? :)13:12:58
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7no unfortunately not13:13:35

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