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23 Jan 2019
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_ Any idea why every MR now causes lint to run RewriteMeta on ALL apps? That's a.o. why my revert-pipeline fails. 19:49:59
@Coffee:matrix.orgCoffeeThe private key needs to be uploaded to gitlab though if we want them to host it.19:50:07
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_ Bubu: ? 19:53:36
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_ Shall I force-merge the revert anyway? It should just undo that one. And the "I rewritemeta everything" issue existed already immediately before I merged. 19:56:17
@nico:f-droid.orgNico Alt
Als Antwort auf @Coffee:matrix.org
Any ideas on how we should set up the tls certificate for news.f-droid.org?
Oh, did I miss some conversation? Do we really want to host the official F-Droid.org blog on GitLab?
@nico:f-droid.orgNico Alt I'd have rather said that we host it ourselves on some machine, with nginx and Let's Encrypt. 20:01:50
In reply to @freenode_izzy_:matrix.org
Shall I force-merge the revert anyway? It should just undo that one. And the "I rewritemeta everything" issue existed already immediately before I merged.
izzy_: yes
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuRewritemeta was always run on all apps afaik20:02:45
@nico:f-droid.orgNico Alt
Als Antwort auf @nico:f-droid.org
Oh, did I miss some conversation? Do we really want to host the official F-Droid.org blog on GitLab?
Reading fdroid-website#327 currently...
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot] [website] #327: Split the "News" section off to a separate subdom… - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroid-website/issues/327 20:03:25
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_ Then I wonder what that is. The only other thing I see is "metadata/com.android.inputmethod.latin/" has no matching metadata file! – and that directory doesn't even exist anymore (removed the metadata of that app). 20:03:50
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_ "metadata/com.android.camera2/" has no matching metadata file! – same thing, that metadata was completely removed (including those directories). I don't even see them in master. 20:05:23
In reply to @nico:f-droid.org
I'd have rather said that we host it ourselves on some machine, with nginx and Let's Encrypt.
Feel free to comment on the issue and suggest alternatives.
@nico:f-droid.orgNico Alt
Als Antwort auf @Coffee:matrix.org
Feel free to comment on the issue and suggest alternatives.
Will do.
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_ https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/tree/master/metadata/com.android.camera2/ gives a 404. So I've no idea what lint is looking at. 20:06:48
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_Ah yuck. It checks out a commit before the metadata have been cleaned up (forgot to remove the directories when I removed the txt).20:09:50
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuJust ignore lint and clean it up on master afterwards :-)20:10:49
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_Right; retry lint just checks out the very same commit. OK, so I force-revert that merge, BubuIIC?20:12:03
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_(the mess caused by removing the obsolete txt and forgetting the associated directories should already be cleaned up)20:13:20
@nico:f-droid.orgNico Alt


Why can locked issues get reopened? verdulo, could you report that bug to GitLab?

Would be nice if he really went and reported that :P

@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][website] !340: replaced Tibetan with Esperanto (PLEASE READ DESC… - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroid-website/merge_requests/34020:14:12
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_OK, did it. Even succeeded *ugh* …20:23:27
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc Bubu: nice idea to archive android sdk repositroy! it would take someone an short evening of python hacking to do it. 20:45:30
@eighthave:matrix.org_hchttps://gitlab.com/fdroid/mirror-monitor would be a useful base20:45:41
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc Nico Alt: Coffee I think it makes sense to host the blog on gitlab.com. The git is already there, so not like it adds to security impact 20:46:57
@nico:f-droid.orgNico Alt _hc: I don't mean the security impact by hosting the Git there, but the privacy implications by hosting the resulting site on GitLab and thus by Google, bringing all readers to them. 20:58:15
@Coffee:matrix.orgCoffeeGitLab is owned by Google?21:07:05
@nico:f-droid.orgNico Alt No, but the last thing I heard was that they wanted to move their servers from Microsoft's data centers to Google's. 21:18:20
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcgitlab runs on google cloud21:30:11
@Coffee:matrix.orgCoffeeRight. I guess running it on the matrix server makes sense.22:11:36

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