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5 Jun 2020
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcoops out of order19:13:20
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcin any case, I have to sign off for the evening, good night all!19:13:43
In reply to @eighthave:matrix.org
that just gave me an idea: we should have a box that just constantly mirrors master on all our git repos as a monitor
we have gibot, which actually that
@bubu:bubu1.euBubucould be a more specialized tool for the job though20:24:29
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuThe gcc runner has completed a full checkupdates run in I think 2.5 hours I think?20:26:00
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuthat's decent20:26:05
@bubu:bubu1.euBubujust need to do something about the job canceling20:26:34
In reply to @eighthave:matrix.org
that just gave me an idea: we should have a box that just constantly mirrors master on all our git repos as a monitor
* we have gibot, which actually does that (doesn't save the commits but would still alert that there was one)
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu * could be a more specialized tool for the job though, sounds like a good idea20:29:29
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesai it could be a simple script that just does 'git remote update' for all repos, and puts the log somewhere 20:31:33

_hc: https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2016/04/05/shared-runners/

All your builds run on Digital Ocean 4GB instances, with CoreOS and the latest Docker Engine installed.
Your builds will always be run on fresh machines. This will effectively eliminate possible security issues, as there is no potential of breaking out of the container.

@bubu:bubu1.euBubuthat's from 2016 and their infrastructure probably changed. I very much doubt they've changed anything on that point thouhg20:43:58
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuthat point = every build runs in a fresh VM20:44:17
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuI'll find a place to open an issue with gitlab aksing for clarification on how the shared runner infrastructure is set up nowadays20:44:56
@bubu:bubu1.euBubunot today probably20:45:09
6 Jun 2020
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcbased on what I know about gitlab runners, I think they mean docker runs when they say "machines"07:39:47
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcI don't think they are resetting the VM between each job07:40:23
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcthey might be doing an extra layer of docker where they have a docker contianer setup to run docker containers, and the docker runner container is reset each job07:41:06
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc they could be doing snapshotting like fdroid build does, maybe they have a way to make that faster 07:42:20
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcalso, the whole spectre class of bugs means achieving root-level memory reads from inside VMs and containers07:43:07
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcthey are read-only exploits, so not breakng out of the VM07:43:30
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcreading out of the VM07:43:36
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuForum update incoming! 11:51:41
In reply to @bubu:bubu1.eu
Forum update incoming!
7 Jun 2020
@fynngodau:disroot.org@fynngodau:disroot.org Bubu: A friend ran some tests what Andriod versions need what pm command to disable packages (because I wasn't really sure whether the AndroidEnthusiasts answer was right). disable-user should always work from Android 5 onwards. (hide works until Android 7 without root.) You mentioned that apps won't display an "Enable" button, which we found to only be true for user apps; for system apps the Enable button will be shown. 21:31:54
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu fyfyone: thanks for the info! 21:32:33
@fynngodau:disroot.org@fynngodau:disroot.org (I wrote "until 7", I meant "up to including 6.x") 21:36:35
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuI needed to know how many apps got an update in the last X days, so I made a chart:21:43:03
Download image.png
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuthe beginning didn't record when apks were published21:43:42

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