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26 Jul 2020
@freenode_vancz:matrix.orgvanczbut i tried searching the wiki for binaryeye and no results?20:02:35
@freenode_vancz:matrix.orgvanczthere should be a previous build?20:02:45
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688vancz: https://f-droid.org/wiki/page/de.markusfisch.android.binaryeye/lastbuild_70 says v1.32.1 (70) has been successfully built at 2020-07-0620:04:51
@freenode_vancz:matrix.orgvanczok so the search is just unreliable20:06:01
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688 Plus https://f-droid.org/en/packages/de.markusfisch.android.binaryeye/ says it's indeed available on F-Droid 20:06:13
@freenode_vancz:matrix.orgvanczis there a visible build queue to see how far down it is to getting the update built?20:09:10
@freenode_vancz:matrix.orgvanczyeah i know its available though, thats how I know about it :)20:09:35
29 Jul 2020
@devopsdeluxe:matrix.orgdrb joined the room.00:31:14
@freenode_Tobiwan:matrix.orgTobiwan left the room.02:03:45
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688 Bubu: FWIW NewPipe v0.19.6 (the first one where we use reproducible build stuff on F-Droid) is now successfully built and downloadable on F-Droid. Hopefully v0.19.8 will be available soon as well. 08:33:01
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu wb9688: 👍️ 08:34:38
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesaishould https://f-droid.org/F-Droid.apk be bumped to 1.9?08:47:57
In reply to @freenode_wb9688:matrix.org
Bubu: FWIW NewPipe v0.19.6 (the first one where we use reproducible build stuff on F-Droid) is now successfully built and downloadable on F-Droid. Hopefully v0.19.8 will be available soon as well.
It's already built. F-Droid works very good.. when it works.
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688Oh, nice, hopefully the signature matches and it gets deployed successfully11:50:33
30 Jul 2020
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688What is done between build and deploy? (Read: why does deploy take so long after build is finished?)08:12:10
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp joined the room.08:12:45
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspwb9688: how do you determine that build is finished?08:12:45
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp ..and probably it's signing, which is afair a manual step 08:13:27
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688 jochensp: https://f-droid.org/wiki/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&days=30&from=&hidebots=0&limit=500 08:14:58
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688 I didn't know you did signing manually 08:15:10
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp afair it's an air gapped machine having the keys 08:16:15
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688Ah, makes sense08:28:03
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688 Is there any reason why it can't continue with compiling apps for the next build cycle? 08:28:20
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspcould work not sure how the actual setup is08:40:51

..and probably it's signing, which is afair a manual step

Is that true? I understand why this step can be manual, but.. I'd be tired of doing this manually every day even if the process is properly automated.

@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688 Does anybody know if including a Java 14 .jar as dependency works with F-Droid? It should work, as R8/D8 supports Java 14, just AGP doesn't yet, i.e. you can't use it in a .aar dependency or your app's code itself. I'm not sure if Java 14 is needed to compile such an app though. 21:56:58
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyanAfaik F-Droid buildserver removes all jar files from the tree. Maybe some scanignore flags could help.22:49:49
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyanAlso, new versions of AGP (4.x.x?) should support more modern java API.22:50:48
31 Jul 2020
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688 kitsunyan: .jar dependency from a Maven repo. And no, AGP only supports up to Java 8 (due to still using bootclasspath). 06:20:36
@m86xkc:matrix.orgM86xKC (Old) changed their display name from m86xkc to M86xKC.23:11:33

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