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26 Sep 2020
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyan _hc: regarding your idea about reproducible environment 08:57:23
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyanI already asked once why vms are used instead of docker08:57:38
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyanand now I think it whould be a good idea to use docker inside vms08:57:53
@jfowl:fachschaften.orgJonas ZohrenOr firecracker?11:57:21
@jfowl:fachschaften.orgJonas ZohrenThat's basically a super-fast starting vm for docker images11:57:35
@jfowl:fachschaften.orgJonas ZohrenThat would offer rather good isolation and still allow to use container images to build apps.11:58:09
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyan I also noticed that preserving the order of files in zip doesn't guarantee that zip files will be the same. I notice a significant different trying to "repack" existing apks using my python script. 11:59:03
In reply to @jfowl:fachschaften.org
Or firecracker?
I suppose it will be much harder to implement.
In reply to @kitsunyan:matrix.org
I also noticed that preserving the order of files in zip doesn't guarantee that zip files will be the same. I notice a significant different trying to "repack" existing apks using my python script.
It's also not just an "alignment" issue.
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyanMore and more I feel that introducing a metadata-driven reproducible builds was a bad idea.12:18:48
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyan For Binaries the solution would be simple comparing files within archive. 12:19:19
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyan(And checking that the file starts with 50 4b 03 04 maybe, due to known dex exploits)12:20:32
In reply to @kitsunyan:matrix.org
More and more I feel that introducing a metadata-driven reproducible builds was a bad idea.
what do you mean by this?
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyanI mean the idea of extracting the keys from apk and storing them in metadata for each version.12:54:18
@_xmpp_marzzzello=40trashserver.net:matrix.orgmarzzzello joined the room.13:24:56
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@_xmpp_marzzzello=40trashserver.net:matrix.orgmarzzzello joined the room.13:25:21
@_xmpp_marzzzello=40trashserver.net:matrix.orgmarzzzello left the room.13:25:24
@_xmpp_marzzzello=40trashserver.net:matrix.orgmarzzzello joined the room.18:39:10
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27 Sep 2020
@quite:matrix.orgdaniel (quite) changed their display name from quite to daniel (quite).13:19:42
28 Sep 2020
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc kitsunyan: how are you going to reproduce the signature if not copying it? A new signature will never be the same 14:37:40
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyanJust use the binary provided by developer.14:38:34
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcas for docker vs VMs, there should be one provisioning system for both, but release builds should only use VMs since they provide much superior security isolation14:38:34
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc kitsunyan: then that's not fully reprocible, that's "close enough". Then might as well stick with the v1 sigs 14:39:10
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyanI don't suggest docker vs vm, I suggest docker inside vm.14:39:19
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcif you look at all the other RB efforts, they go for bit-fr-bit exact, but they don't have to deal with annoying external restrictions like we get from Google14:39:51
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyan _hc: packages are never supposed to be reproducible, it's just an archive. 14:40:29
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcdocker is not easily reproducible, and not especially reliable, so if there is a VM, also using docker adds complexity and makes things brittle14:40:44
@kitsunyan:matrix.orgkitsunyanThe data inside the archive matters. The archive doesn't.14:40:51

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