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22 Sep 2020
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcif v2 and/or v3 is present, follow apksigner12:14:04
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999I pushed another change to my MR12:23:28
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999Now the diff is very small12:23:34
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999If you want to compare12:23:57
@eighthave:matrix.org_hccool. test.apk does not verify for me13:17:50
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999Neither for me13:23:40
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999The first diff you get is on the General purpose bit flag, right?13:25:24
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999Then it goes crazy13:28:33
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc mimi89999: FYI I just did a big survey of file order in APKs: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/-/issues/404#note_416788580 16:10:00
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999At worst we can copy the order from the origin or enforce a special order.17:12:37
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999 _hc: I'm more worried because even after the reorder and zipalign there is a huge difference. 17:13:21
@_xmpp_marzzzello=40trashserver.net:matrix.orgmarzzzello joined the room.22:47:35
@_xmpp_marzzzello=40trashserver.net:matrix.orgmarzzzello left the room.22:47:35
23 Sep 2020
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc mimi89999: were you able to just copy in the APK signatures into an unsigned APK reproducibly? 14:33:08
@eighthave:matrix.org_hce.g. make an unsigned APK, sign a copy with apksigner, then make a script that extracts that signature and copied the extracted bits into an unsigned APK14:33:58
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcwithout that working, I don't think it makes sense to try fixing sort order, etc14:34:21
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesaiit would also be good to make sure both APKs install on device16:29:44
@_xmpp_marzzzello=40trashserver.net:matrix.orgmarzzzello joined the room.16:44:55
@_xmpp_marzzzello=40trashserver.net:matrix.orgmarzzzello left the room.16:44:56
24 Sep 2020
@grote:matrix.orggroteI am seeing a lot of could not bring up vm 'builder_default' in build logs lately which makes an app's build fail until the next run. What is this about?13:18:37
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesai it's the same old virtualbox vm issue 13:24:21
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesaiafaik so far nobody has been able to pin down a root cause13:24:31
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesai it happens 'randomly' 13:24:34
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688cdesai: Are there no logs from VirtualBox and/or Vagrant? And does it happen on other build servers as well?13:34:37
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcit happens elsehwere too13:42:23
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcif anyone wants to take on that bug, just create your own buildserver instance using the ansible setup and run lots of builds13:42:59
@eighthave:matrix.org_hclibvirt has separate issues, it drops networking, but VirtualBox is whats used in production13:43:23

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