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12 Nov 2020
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999Where is it hosted now?12:16:22
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcCiaran doesn't have time to improve it, and so far, other efforts haven't gotten further than prototypes12:16:43
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcCiaran runs it on some VPS instances12:17:01
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesai this approach is also a lot more scalable, and I imagine any architectural changes we'd need to do would work just as well for any other CDNs in the future if needed 12:17:34
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcthat work is basically done, the whole site and repo is flat files12:18:06
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcjust the wiki remains, and we can either move it to a new VM or shut it down12:18:22
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcsomeone who runs f-droid.org could do targetted replacement of F-Droid.apk downloads, so trust is required12:19:36
@eighthave:matrix.org_hce.g. for initial installes12:19:48
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede _hc: ty for the feedback earlier per my mkbuildserver challenges 14:20:12
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede i'm on a debian stable (10 buster) VM 14:20:29
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede but after configuring and running mkbuildserver, there's been no up.log updates in twelve hours 14:21:14
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfedelast section has14:21:22
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede default: + [[ 30.0.0 == 24.0.0 ]]14:21:24
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede default: + /home/vagrant/android-sdk/tools/android update sdk...14:21:44
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfedethe builder VM has 4GB ram and 2xCPU, with both CPU pegged at 100%14:22:43
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede l2 as in this description - https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Build_Server_Setup/#advanced-nested-kvm-setup14:22:59
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede trying to look ingo the builder VM with "vagrant ssh id", I can only see java running 14:23:29
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede ps axfww...14:23:56
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede \_ /bin/bash /tmp/vagrant-shell14:23:58
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede \_ /bin/sh /home/vagrant/android-sdk/tools/android update sdk --no-ui --all14:24:20
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcdid you change the VM/buildserver config to use less than 4GB RAM?14:24:28
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcI think it defaults to 4GB or more14:24:34
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede \_ java -jar /home/vagrant/android-sdk/tools/lib/archquery.jar14:24:35
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede default buildserver config was 3GB - i had tried increasing that to 4GB (my "host VM" has 8GB) 14:25:08
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfedediff examples/makebuildserver.config.py makebuildserver.config.py14:25:22
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede > copy_caches_from_host = True 14:25:39
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede > debian_mirror = 'http://deb.debian.org/debian/' 14:25:40
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede > memory = 4096 14:25:42
@freenode_donfede:matrix.orgdonfede > cpus = 2 14:25:43

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