F-Droid Devs

108 Members
F-Droid development discussion only | Use #fdroid:f-droid.org for general, app- and repo-related matters | Meeting every Thursday at 11:30 UTC | This channel is publicly logged at https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23fdroid-dev:f-droid.org22 Servers

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16 May 2021
@rdfg77:kde.org@rdfg77:kde.orgIf you can package dotnet-core, then you can also package xamarin. Then it would be much easier to package xamarin apps.08:48:45
In reply to @rdfg77:kde.org
If you can package dotnet-core, then you can also package xamarin. Then it would be much easier to package xamarin apps.
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy uniq: could you answer that toot addressed at us concerning verification server? I lack the background. 16:11:30
@uniq:matrix.orguniq izzy sure thing :) 20:04:09
17 May 2021
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp left the room.01:40:58
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp joined the room.01:42:58
@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org left the room.03:14:25
@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org joined the room.03:14:57
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.org@SylvieLorxu:matrix.org@SylvieLorxu:matrix.org: licaon-kter doesn't receive anything because they haven't connected any payment account. eighthave hasn't received anything yet because they only connected a PayPal account (despite being in a country where Stripe is available), and that account is currently waiting to be reviewed by PayPal.08:10:27
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.org@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgFrom liberapay channel08:10:33
@proletarius101:matrix.orgproletarius101The latest commit of fdroiddata fails linting: https://gitlab.com/proletarius101/fdroiddata/-/jobs/126806242414:13:04
@proletarius101:matrix.orgproletarius101So any other MRs won't pass linting as well14:13:23
@proletarius101:matrix.orgproletarius101p.s. anyone who has the ability to merge commits for fdroidserver, please take a look at https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/-/merge_requests/923, which blocks https://gitlab.com/proletarius101/fdroiddata/-/jobs/126813635314:26:34
@proletarius101:matrix.orgproletarius101 * p.s. someone who has the ability to merge commits for fdroidserver, please take a look at https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/-/merge_requests/923, which blocks https://gitlab.com/proletarius101/fdroiddata/-/jobs/126813635314:26:53
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcI'll take a look today, if someone doesn't beat me to it15:41:42
@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org left the room.18:02:00
@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org joined the room.18:04:47
@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org left the room.18:37:07
@freenode_eoli3n_:matrix.org@freenode_eoli3n_:matrix.org joined the room.18:37:26
@freenode_eoli3n_:matrix.org@freenode_eoli3n_:matrix.org i have set in config to auto check upgrade everyday, but if i don't open f-droid client to updates lists, i get nothing 18:38:11
@freenode_eoli3n_:matrix.org@freenode_eoli3n_:matrix.orgis there a way to have auto upgrades without root ?18:38:19
@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org joined the room.18:39:49
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspeoli3n_: please ask such questions in #fdroid, this is the developers channel18:39:56
@freenode_eoli3n_:matrix.org@freenode_eoli3n_:matrix.orgok thanks18:40:05
@freenode_eoli3n_:matrix.org@freenode_eoli3n_:matrix.org left the room.18:49:08
@madnomad:matrix.org@madnomad:matrix.org left the room.20:29:20
18 May 2021
@freenode_jochensp1:matrix.orgjochensp1 left the room.01:38:22
@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org@freenode_djBRDF:matrix.org left the room.02:45:39

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