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30 Mar 2021
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesaiwhich would help track things down _after_ the compromise.19:37:50
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999I think that we should rather sign commits then anything else19:40:03
In reply to @freenode_cdesai:matrix.org
which would help track things down _after_ the compromise.
Yeah, then the attacker should have a developer account, verified key, a mr, and merge the mr
@proletarius101:matrix.orgproletarius101And we can even make it harder, by setting the approval rules, which I believe should be set clear19:42:01
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesai we won't be able to enforce signed commits, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/gpg_signed_commits/#rejecting-commits-that-are-not-signed 19:42:38
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesai it's a premium feature 19:42:50
@proletarius101:matrix.orgproletarius101E.g. each mr must be approved by at least one developer level account who shouldn't be the same as the MR author19:42:55
In reply to @freenode_cdesai:matrix.org
it's a premium feature
Not sure if it's true. I can do it in my own projects and I'm not premium
@proletarius101:matrix.orgproletarius101 But even if it's a premium feature, like I proposed, we just apply for the open source free tier, which gives you everything. And you just avoid using those proprietary ones. 19:48:07
@mvdan:matrix.org@mvdan:matrix.orgI've finally put out an offer for new contributors/maintainers to fdroidcl, if anyone is interested: https://github.com/mvdan/fdroidcl/issues/5620:54:33
In reply to @freenode_izzy:matrix.org
_hc: yeah, Bubu was who I had in mind, as he redesigned it. Not sure how deep Ciaran would be involved in "knowing the process internals" of CheckUpdates. mvdan maybe; I vaguely remember he might have worked together with Bubu on this.

sorry I didn't reply to this btw, for some reason I had left some matrix rooms for a bunch of weeks.

if you or anyone has specific questions on historical code or decisions, I'm happy to try to help. I did write or modify a large part of fdroidserver over the years a while back.

@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy mvdan: sorry, I meanwhile lack the context /o\ 21:06:49
@mvdan:matrix.org@mvdan:matrix.orgno worries :) just ping whenever, I'll reply usually within a day21:07:16
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.org@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgPlease don't try to force signing the repo is so huge it is extremely slow to open on my laptop, multiple minutes, so I often use the GitLab online single file editor for small things 21:14:15
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.org@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgForcing 2FA seems fine though21:14:25
31 Mar 2021
@blue_penquin:fairydust.space@blue_penquin:fairydust.space joined the room.04:24:07
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp_hc: moving fdroidcl to https://gitlab.com/fdroid makes sense to me, can we do that?05:44:02
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.org@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgIs something wrong again? We have been in updating phase for 2 days again07:38:24
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999Can we remove metadata files of apps that have all builds disabled?18:38:22
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy fossdd: you sure we want that Luca thingy? Maybe you missed their idea of "open source"? 21:00:28
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy mimi89999: that's what linsui is currently doing with his "waves of destru…" ahem, mass deletion ;) 21:01:09
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzysee eg d!870821:01:40
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot][data] !8708: Remove disabled apps: wave 3 - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/merge_requests/870821:01:40
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999They will still be there in the git log21:01:44
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy Ah, you're talking about pruning them to make the repo more light-weight? I didn't dare suggesting that… 21:02:20
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy Transparency and all that. Maybe we could "move" that history to some "archive"? No idea if that would be possible, or how to do that. 21:03:16
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy If it's possible and not to hard, count my vote in favor! 21:03:36
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzySame for all the old .txt metadata after a certain date.21:04:19
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzyThinking aloud (tell me to shut up should I talk nonsense): once per (x) year(s), fork fdroiddata to fdroiddata.XXXX, then prune all files deleted more than (interval) ago from fdroiddata itself?21:05:55
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesai instead of years it could be based on number of commits or repo size - but what's the reason behind this? 21:51:31

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