F-Droid Devs

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25 Mar 2021
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcthe method? I think it, I think it was audited19:25:00
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999What if the upstream dev intentionally did not sign one of the files in the apk and included malicious content in it?19:25:11
@eighthave:matrix.org_hchow would that be different than a malicious APK that gets signed? I don't see anything risky in the existing function or in apksigcopier19:27:05
@freenode_dupondje:matrix.orgdupondje left the room.19:29:08
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999When https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Build_Metadata_Reference/#Binaries is set, we are publishing upstream apk, right?19:29:10
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999How do we know that it does not contain files that are not covered by the signature and that we were not able to reproduce?19:32:32
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcno, we don't publish the upstream APK19:32:49
@freenode_Guest77992:matrix.orgGuest77992 joined the room.19:32:57
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999 > F-Droid will use upstream binaries if the verification succeeded. 19:33:59
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999 That's what the doc says 19:34:04
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcoh, ha, ok19:35:20
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcbut verifcation first has to succeed in the throwaway VM19:35:44
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999How is verification done?19:38:04
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcsignature copy then apksigner19:38:19
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999 That's how publish works 19:38:41
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999What if the upstream apk has files not covered by the signature?19:39:43
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcthere are some, but are not executable19:40:19
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999Do all executable files in an apk need to be signed for it to run?19:44:57
@eighthave:matrix.org_hconly files in META-INF are unsigned19:45:36
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcadding v2/v3 signatures to this process will protect it more even19:49:43
@freenode_wb9688_:matrix.orgwb9688_ joined the room.19:57:57
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999 > adb: failed to install test-signed.apk: Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Package /data/app/vmdl1067901348.tmp/base.apk has no certificates at entry classes.dex] 19:58:21
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesaimimi89999: this is the whole point of v2 signature. this vulnerability (adding other files to a signed apk) was being exploited which is why they did this20:00:15
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcJAR Signatures work when properly implemented, they had implementation problems... the approach more sensitive20:01:06
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999Yes, I can only add files in meta inf and outside the directory20:10:01
@freenode_mimi89999:matrix.orgmimi89999So that seems OK20:10:54
@freenode_dupondje:matrix.orgdupondje joined the room.20:11:20

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