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19 Mar 2021
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspanyway MR is here: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/-/merge_requests/888/diffs12:53:55
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp_hc: do you have a proposal for https://gitlab.com/fdroid/admin/-/issues/202#note_53330845613:00:17
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.org jochensp: thanks! Looks good (as long as "()" need no escaping when inside "[]" ;) 13:32:51
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspit does not13:33:17
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp(also, there is a passing unit test :P )13:33:50
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgSaw it. Btw: 0.3.10 is a beta release not intended to show up at F-Droid. 0.3.9 would be the latest one. But that should be taken care for by UCM… oh yikes, he forgot to update that…13:37:13
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgMaybe I add 0.3.9 manually while updating UCM?13:37:39
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.org jochensp: would "UpdateCheckMode: Tags ^((?!alpha|beta).)*$" (taken from another yaml) fit to keep e.g. "v0.3.10-beta01" out? Or would that look for tag names STARTING with alpha|beta to exclude them? 13:42:14
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.org So just ommit the leading "^", right? 13:42:43
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.org Yepp, right ("fdroid checkupdates" confirms: it sees the beta tag, but doesn't take it into account: "All tags: v0.3.10-beta01,v0.3.9,v0.3.8 …" / "Matching tags: v0.3.9,v0.3.8 …") 13:56:37
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgPushing it then.13:56:52
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgUmpf. New build cycle started for the second time today. Again dirty, waiting for another restart…23:38:32
20 Mar 2021
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot] left the room.00:32:17
@freenode_[gibot]:matrix.org[gibot] joined the room.00:32:30
@rdfg77:kde.org@rdfg77:kde.org joined the room.02:59:31
@rdfg77:kde.org@rdfg77:kde.org changed their display name from rdfg77 to linsui.03:08:41
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp izzy: I don't see a build new cycle just the deploy step, which is dirty by definition 06:26:53
@freenode_FstplttnSchntzl:matrix.org@freenode_FstplttnSchntzl:matrix.org joined the room.08:06:22
@freenode_est:matrix.orgest joined the room.09:53:49
@freenode_smichel17:matrix.org@freenode_smichel17:matrix.org joined the room.12:43:19
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.org jochensp: https://monitor.f-droid.org/builds/running changed its start time twice yesterday. First time when the list was emptied, second time while it was empty. Both times, "fdroiddata version" showed "dirty!". 12:51:43
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.org Now it's running again \o/ Started about 10min after you wrote not seeing a new cycle :D 12:52:41
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgBut I wonder why it builds dev.patrickgold.florisboard:26 – that was already there, but not dev.patrickgold.florisboard:28 which was added yesterday.12:59:01
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochenspizzy: you have to check the command on the running page, this morning it was deploy, now it is build13:11:33
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp(running = what the build server is currently doing)13:12:04
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgAh, thanks – will take a closer look on that from now on.13:12:59
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgStill wondering why it builds a version of FlorisBoard that was already present for weeks, and ignores the new one. Yes, CV/CVC points to the old version (because the build.gradle.kts fix has not yet been deployed, CheckUpdates has set that back again). But the build block is there.13:14:32
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp izzy: that's a bug in the monitor: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroid-monitor/-/issues/2 13:17:15
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp(it build version 28)13:17:50
@freenode_izzy:matrix.org@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgAh! Goooood! Then the new version is built \o/ Thanks!13:18:13

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