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18 Dec 2018
@freenode_avril:matrix.orgavril left the room.00:29:38

I just read the Gdroid readme, and it claims that the F-droid client is no longer maintained:|

G-Droid is actively maintained (the F-Droid client is not any more)

@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsmaybe that should be fixed00:42:43
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7 left the room.00:54:07
@freenode_distopico:matrix.orgdistopico The people think (wrong) if an app don't generate release every day is not maintained 02:17:18
@freenode_avril|:matrix.orgavril| joined the room.03:20:55
@freenode_avril|:matrix.orgavril| left the room.03:21:56
@freenode_avril:matrix.orgavril joined the room.03:23:05
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_ Ah, that's what LjL referred to with this link: https://np.reddit.com/r/fdroid/comments/a6zokh/gdroid/ec0eiz5/?context=3 06:36:22
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_ That guy claims a lot of stuff which isn't true, against better knowledge even. Disgracing. 06:37:19
@freenode_larjona:matrix.orglarjona left the room.09:09:19
@freenode_larjona:matrix.orglarjona joined the room.09:11:24
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsmaybe we could just kindly ask him to rectify the readme10:35:35
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7 joined the room.10:55:27
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7 left the room.10:55:28
@nico:f-droid.orgNico Alt

Mathijs: Worth a try. It evens says that in the app's description inside F-Droid:

G-Droid is actively maintained (the F-Droid client is not any more)

@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsyeah, that's the line I would take most offence with11:32:04
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijs(actually, I quoted it above 😉)11:32:20
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcI submitted a merge request12:03:08
@freenode_dudeofx:matrix.orgdudeofx joined the room.13:02:31
@nico:f-droid.orgNico Alt_hc: I admire your patience.14:17:56
@nico:f-droid.orgNico Alt _hc: mirror-monitor is pretty cool! Here's another mirror that's missing from the list: https://fdroid.swedneck.xyz/fdroid/repo/ 14:18:32
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcbecoming a father of two boys is amazing way to find patience ;-)14:49:24
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsJust having the readme say 'g-droid is actively maintained' in the 'Additional features compared to F-Droid' still heavily suggests that the f-droid client isn't maintained16:11:28
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsso in that sense it doesn't really solve the problem16:12:06
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsI guess the author defines 'actively maintained' a bit weird? the f-droid client had its last commig 9 hours ago, so that can't be it16:13:23
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsmaybe he means that there aren't new versions every week or so?16:13:36
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old) Mathijs: well, I kind of agree with him. As in there's no one continuously working on fdroidclient. I.e. general bug fixes, improvements. 16:19:07
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old) Hans said he'll always be able to make time for security related stuff and he's also working on some grants developing specific features. But there is no real maintainer, for a certain definition of that term. 16:20:15

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