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24 Dec 2018
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7 joined the room.13:47:33
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7 Coffee: izzy_ I just published the full interview: https://blog.grobox.de/2018/interview-zu-f-droid-mit-zdf-heute/ 13:47:34
* @freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_ is reading13:48:41
@vanitasvitae:feneas.orgvanitasvitae@Tovok7: typo: Schafsoftware13:58:43
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_ Wuahaha… That's cool. S.Freud? 13:59:17
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_ vanitasvitae: in case you don't speek German, let me translate the term: "sheep software" (not "cheap software") 14:00:10
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7 vanitasvitae: thanks! 14:00:55
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)Tovok7: thanks! And thanks for jumping doing the interview.14:13:53
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)s/jumping//14:14:08
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)I think Stefan still wanted to meet up for more questions in January.14:14:35
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7please do (if you have time), always good to build relationships with journalists14:15:18
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)Yup :-)14:16:51
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7nice, my blog post showed up on the planet already: https://fdroid.gitlab.io/planet/14:54:14
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)
In reply to @freenode_Tovok7:matrix.org
nice, my blog post showed up on the planet already: https://fdroid.gitlab.io/planet/
Tovok7: https://mastodon.technology/@fdroidorg/101296587416258062
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)I stole the mail you just sent ;-)14:55:09
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7thanks :)14:55:26

nice, my blog post showed up on the planet already: https://fdroid.gitlab.io/planet/


@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7any plans to migrate it to planet.f-droid.org?16:03:17

any plans to migrate it to planet.f-droid.org?

Ideally yes. Maybe hc can help with that

@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7this needs to go through CiaranG who has limited time. Requests like these should be batched with similar once, to make best use of his time. E.g. we might want a repomaker-demo.f-droid.org domain while we are at it.16:09:30
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)Coffee also wanted a domain for the upcoming news site.16:09:58
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7do we have an admin ticket for new subdomains already?16:10:44
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)Not sure16:17:47
In reply to @bubuiic:matrix.org
Coffee also wanted a domain for the upcoming news site.
Yes, news.f-droid.org has my preference.
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)is there an admin ticket already?22:03:13
@Coffee:matrix.orgCoffee I don't think so. 22:03:41
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_I wonder why in the RSS feed, the entire article seems to be a single link (with the only exception of the first paragraph). Anyone else noticed that?22:28:56
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_Oh, the Planet Feed I mean.22:29:08
Als Antwort auf @freenode_izzy_:matrix.org
I wonder why in the RSS feed, the entire article seems to be a single link (with the only exception of the first paragraph). Anyone else noticed that?
What do you mean?
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old) izzy_: do you want to open a general data issue where we can discuss arching vs deleting. 22:41:17

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