26 Dec 2018 |
_hc | just read your ZDF interview, nice work! | 10:44:40 |
_hc | it just made me think about how we should start thinking about lots of things about F-Droid as features, like the archive | 10:45:03 |
_hc | "Aktuell (Dezember 2018) werden 1707 verschiedene Apps von F-Droid aktiv verteilt. Im Archiv finden sich noch mehr, diese Apps sind aber meist veraltet und nicht zur Installation empfohlen." | 10:45:08 |
_hc | so like "unlike Play and iTunes, F-droid.org is actively curated by dedicated contributors" | 10:45:39 |
_hc | unmiantianed apps are moved to the archive | 10:45:46 |
izzy_ | speaking of which: com.waist.line is set to auto-update on tag ("version %v"). Still, we are 2 versions (and 2 months) behind: we're at 2.3.7, while 2.3.8 was released 29 days ago and even 2.3.8 is already out. Any idea why? | 14:16:20 |
_hc | Marcus (BubuIIC): did you see the buildserver is running again? | 15:32:13 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | _hc: yes | 15:35:23 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | Not sure at what metadata it's starting to build now though. The one from 3 days ago or the one from now? | 15:40:14 |
_hc | Marcus (BubuIIC): it says in every build page: https://f-droid.org/wiki/page/org.andstatus.app/lastbuild_268 | 15:49:15 |
_hc | Commit f90b8874 authored 1 hour ago by F-Droid Bot's avatar F-Droid Bot Committed by Ciaran Gultnieks | 15:49:30 |
| [gibot] joined the room. | 15:49:39 |
[gibot] | [data] f90b8874: Update Monochromatic to 0.4.1 (6) - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/f90b8874 | 15:49:39 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | In reply to @eighthave:matrix.org Commit f90b8874 authored 1 hour ago by F-Droid Bot's avatar F-Droid Bot Committed by Ciaran Gultnieks thanks | 15:51:54 |
[gibot] | [data] f90b8874: Update Monochromatic to 0.4.1 (6) - https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/commit/f90b8874 | 15:51:56 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | so there might be some usable congress apps available in time for tomorrow | 15:52:17 |
_hc | 🎉 | 15:52:32 |
_hc | looks likely | 15:52:40 |
_hc | anyone know the app author(s)? | 15:53:36 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | only via gitlab/github | 15:53:50 |
_hc | i'd like to get them to run a repo for it, set it up with repro builds, and update-channels | 15:54:01 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | What's update-channels again? | 15:56:47 |
_hc | a library for apps to update themselves via fdroid repos | 15:58:57 |
_hc | https://gitlab.com/fdroid/update-channels | 15:59:17 |
izzy_ | so any idea why waistline was skipped for about a month now, Marcus (BubuIIC) _hc ? | 19:04:20 |
@bubuiic:matrix.org | izzy_: no time to look into it with 35c3 upcoming :-) | 20:27:07 |
izzy_ | Marcus (BubuIIC): thought so (and told the "complainer"). Will nag again later. Enjoy the 35c3! | 23:17:10 |
27 Dec 2018 |
| Tovok7 joined the room. | 11:35:39 |
| Tovok7 left the room. | 11:35:39 |
_hc | I'll be late for the fdroid meeting, my train got in late | 12:18:08 |