28 Dec 2018 |
Marcus (old) | There probably needs to be a bit of games to to integrate that properly | 16:18:07 |
_hc | mimi89999: uniq androguard supports v2 sigs now, so it should be easy to make fdroidserver support them | 17:05:37 |
_hc | mimi89999: thanks, glad you liked the talk | 17:06:11 |
_hc | FYI, here's the official link to it https://fahrplan.events.ccc.de/congress/2018/Fahrplan/events/9595.html | 17:10:31 |
| _hc joined the room. | 19:41:55 |
izzy_ | Uh, just wondering: Since when does fdroidclient send an ID when requesting the index? Wouldn't that make the user identifiable? Just found "/fdroid/repo/index-v1.jar?client_version=1.4&id=HVrnqcDSQAyRtidBMuNqzg" in my webstats. | 20:58:03 |
izzy_ | And some more requests like that, like "/fdroid/repo/?client_version=1.3-alpha3&id=yRNy-KucTDSzOk1nawmGbw" | 21:02:44 |
Coffee | o_O | 21:04:44 |
Marcus (old) |  Download Screenshot_20181228-220912_F-Droid.png | 21:09:24 |
Marcus (old) | Should be off by default | 21:09:29 |
Marcus (old) | If it still does that's a bug | 21:09:41 |
izzy_ | Ah, OK. So maybe someone had it configured for debugging with some other repo and later forgot to turn it off. | 21:16:20 |
izzy_ | Thanks BubuIIC! | 21:16:29 |
_hc | it was mostly put there as an easy whitelabel option, but I figured I'd take the opportunity to put that pref there, and make it option to send the fdroid version | 23:41:13 |
_hc | before, the fdroid version was always sent | 23:41:21 |
29 Dec 2018 |
gsantner | metadata of fdroidclient: points to flattr but 404/account deleted on flattr | 01:13:43 |
Marcus (old) | In reply to @Coffee:matrix.org Anything newsworthy from the 35C3 meetup? https://mastodon.technology/@fdroidorg/101321665481950035 ;-) | 01:27:17 |
Marcus (old) | Sorry for late reply. Time works a bit differently here sometimes. Just going home. | 01:27:52 |
Marcus (old) | And still want to push. A Fahrplan release to the congress repo | 01:32:17 |
| mvdan left the room. | 01:33:47 |
| mvdan joined the room. | 01:47:02 |
_hc | I hashed out a plan with Replicant dev Jeremy_Rand for solving the non-free issue for them. | 10:01:45 |
_hc | what do you all think: | 10:01:51 |
_hc | https://matrix.to/#/!vOdTXrjDkaZQWuifyA:matrix.org/$1546076541431018eOjLi:matrix.org?via=matrix.org&via=disroot.org&via=chat.weho.st&via=atauno.com | 10:01:52 |
mimi89999 | What's under that link? Matrix says that I don't have permission to access it. | 10:56:57 |
_hc | oh strange, its to #replicant | 11:03:49 |
mimi89999 | Is botbot down? | 11:38:10 |
_hc | I'll paste the text somewhere when I'm on my computers | 11:45:46 |
Nico Alt | _hc: The IRC bridge of Matrix only allows you to see the history since the point you've joined the room. Therefore, you sadly can't post links to messages. | 11:59:08 |
Nico Alt | mimi89999: Yes, BotBot.me is down since quite over a month, therefore we switched to a proper room on Matrix with its own bridge to IRC and can therefore use a Matrix logger. See room topic for links. | 12:00:17 |