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8 Dec 2018
@freenode_etue:matrix.orgetue joined the room.18:52:52
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@nico:f-droid.orgNico Alt Regarding verdulo and the Esperanto trolling: Paula and I had a discussion on the forum, deciding to suspend them from the forum. I just did that and logged it publicly in their latest topic: https://forum.f-droid.org/t/scandal-behavior-of-hans-christoph-steiner-again/4723/23 20:56:53
@nico:f-droid.orgNico Alt

Please note the following parts:

We also ask you not to open any other issues or merge requests on GitLab consisting of the deletion of or flaming on other languages and why they are inferior to Esperanto.


To all other people reading this: Please abstain from “feeding the troll”.

@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)Thanks Nico Alt22:07:31
... Esperanto trolling ... deciding to suspend them from the forum.
9 Dec 2018
In reply to @nico:f-droid.org
Regarding verdulo and the Esperanto trolling: Paula and I had a discussion on the forum, deciding to suspend them from the forum. I just did that and logged it publicly in their latest topic: https://forum.f-droid.org/t/scandal-behavior-of-hans-christoph-steiner-again/4723/23
@freenode_captainepoch:matrix.orgcaptainepochoh my... what happened? :|06:27:14
@nico:f-droid.orgNico Altcaptainepoch: From the linked post:08:53:50
@nico:f-droid.orgNico Alt

It’s not like your behavior is new to us. For months you’re now insisting on your position, showing disrespect to other people and their opinions, insulting them, their languages and thus also their culture and social background. People have shown you many ways on how you can achieve your goals of including Esperanto and with that also other languages in the project’s official website, but you ignored them and instead insisted on offending those people.

@nico:f-droid.orgNico Altcaptainepoch: See also the linked topic, the older one found in the second post, the GitLab issues and MRs,...08:54:26
@freenode_DuMuT6p:matrix.orgDuMuT6p joined the room.10:03:11
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