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7 Dec 2018
@freenode_rom1v:matrix.orgrom1voops, wrong chan13:36:43
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old)
In reply to @eighthave:matrix.org
Marcus (BubuIIC): uniq if I have a setup buildserver VM, is there an easy way to make small changes to it and have them saved?
You can probably recreate the fdroidclean snapshot or whatever it's called.
@uniq:matrix.orguniq Marcus (BubuIIC) _hc : sounds about right, but it can be tricky 14:22:39
@uniq:matrix.orguniqif i remembery correctly snapshots will only be used when present and the vm is in suspension14:23:46
@uniq:matrix.orguniqotherwise the vm will be destroyed and recreated14:23:54
@bubuiic:matrix.orgMarcus (old) Yeah, i've never tried this either. 14:31:47
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcok, I guess I should just re-run makebuildserver15:07:13
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_adjtm: see https://gitlab.com/gdroid/gdroidclient/issues/43 (licaon_kter asked it there).18:19:29
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_ I see few things I'd count for "app quality". I've not checked the results, but would expect them to be misleading. If your app works fine and rarely needs updates, and maybe also is a "background service" where you cannot provide screenshots, that would automatically reduce your rating. 18:21:18
@freenode_adjtm:matrix.orgadjtmizzy_, thanks for the link18:31:48
@freenode_adjtm:matrix.orgadjtmI mostly agree with your opinion18:32:03
@freenode_adjtm:matrix.orgadjtmizzy_, oh, I see there has been some talk about this in #fdroid18:36:03
@freenode_izzy_:matrix.orgizzy_ Yupp. See the quote from his README especially. For me, that app ceased to exist – at least until its dev comes back to his sense (if there's some left). 18:48:11
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8 Dec 2018
@freenode_TobiasK:matrix.orgTobiasK left the room.02:04:10
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@freenode_ddevault:matrix.orgddevault left the room.05:02:17
@freenode_Tovok7:matrix.orgTovok7 joined the room.14:00:12
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