25 Jul 2019 |
Bubu | In reply to @eighthave:matrix.org could be a lot worse try to read the twitter replies to the announcement | 19:01:15 |
Bubu | https://twitter.com/fdroidorg/status/1151429350538899456 | 19:01:33 |
Bubu | be warned. a lof of stupidity ahead | 19:01:51 |
Bubu | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20466730 | 19:06:06 |
Bubu | this was rather civil | 19:06:13 |
Bubu | ah, you've already been there :) | 19:06:32 |
_hc | yup 🤣 | 19:08:47 |
_hc | 😐️ | 19:08:55 |
_hc | the good news is that a lot of people care about F-Droid | 19:15:38 |
_hc | 🎉 | 19:15:44 |
justJanne | _hc: the bad news is the kind of people that do care. I believe a major factor may be the bans of 4chan clients from Google Play a few years ago, which led to a lot of /pol/ users using F-Droid afterwards | 19:18:18 |
_hc | even though I'm not christian at all, I've always been inspired by the idea of "love the sinner, hate the sin" | 19:20:10 |
_hc | because that actually solves the problem | 19:20:20 |
justJanne | true, but as long as the sinner sins, you can’t accept him | 19:21:05 |
_hc | if you look at people who troll and attack online, they are often victims themselves, and if they feel loved, then see the error of their ways | 19:21:23 |
justJanne | you might want to help him find his way, but you can’t accept him into your community until the saulus has become paulus | 19:21:29 |
_hc | wrong, love the sinner, means always love the sinner | 19:21:38 |
justJanne | yes, but you can’t force others to deal with them | 19:21:55 |
_hc | I guess this is more american christianity, not like Catholicism | 19:22:01 |
justJanne | part of a community means making sure the users in the community feel safe from harassment and worse | 19:22:14 |
_hc | of course | 19:22:30 |
justJanne | if you, as moderator, choose to work with such people, you can do that, of course, but you can’t force the rest of the community to accept or deal with such people | 19:22:43 |
_hc | I don't disagree, you're talking about something different than me | 19:23:04 |
justJanne | well, I’m talking about people in #fdroid literally saying that I shouldn’t exist | 19:23:23 |
justJanne | I’m not exactly a fan of that | 19:23:28 |
_hc | if Stalin or Hitler submitted a merge request and were perfectly polite, I would accept it | 19:24:09 |
_hc | even though lots of people in my family were directly affected by them | 19:24:26 |
justJanne | I’ve read the blogposts and arguments from alexgleason, who at the same time told me he’d love to work with me, while also saying that trans people should not exist | 19:24:28 |
justJanne | personally, I’m not a fan of that | 19:24:40 |
justJanne | technology is never just technology, the ideals and goals of the creators also end up in the technology that gets built | 19:25:06 |