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15 Jul 2020
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688 Don't most libs nowadays ship their rules themself instead of telling "yo, just add this" in the docs? 12:36:54
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcOnly an AAR could ship proguard rules AFAIK, not a JAR12:37:25
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcactually, don't think an AAR could either really12:37:53
@dschuermann:stratum0.orgDominik _hc: aars can ship proguard rules, we do that in one project, you can do it via "consumerProguardFiles" in gradle 12:39:32
@dschuermann:stratum0.orgDominikthe proguard files in f-droid can probably be cleared even more, yes12:39:49
@dschuermann:stratum0.orgDominikI am always a bit hesitant to touch those ;)12:40:00
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcremoving them should be easy, adding them is the tricky part12:40:54
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcor at least, you already removed the only weird bug fix that I'm aware of12:41:30
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcthat old samsung bug. 12:41:41
@dschuermann:stratum0.orgDominikyeah, the samsung #$t12:41:46
@dschuermann:stratum0.orgDominikwe had that line in every project...12:42:03
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcmostly that file is about disabling proguard12:42:03
16 Jul 2020
@freenode_cdesai:matrix.orgcdesai UI for the apkanalyzer we used Bubu 01:06:18
17 Jul 2020
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688 Weird how v0.19.6 changelog is shown when I disable NewPipe's repo in F-Droid, but v0.19.5 changelog is shown when I enable it, even though v0.19.6 isn't on F-Droid yet 11:33:27
In reply to @freenode_wb9688:matrix.org
Weird how v0.19.6 changelog is shown when I disable NewPipe's repo in F-Droid, but v0.19.5 changelog is shown when I enable it, even though v0.19.6 isn't on F-Droid yet
do you have a link to the newpipe repo?
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu(what is generating the index page?)11:58:14
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu wb9688: if you look for whatsnew here: https://archive.newpipe.net/fdroid/repo/index-v1.json 11:59:25
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuyou can see that this is the 0.9.15 text11:59:33
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuwhich is because that is the suggestedVersion in that repo12:00:12
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688Yeah, I could see that, but why does F-Droid serve the v0.19.6 somehow?12:00:12
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu wb9688: f-droid has suggestedVersion 0.9.16/951 12:05:23
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688 Bubu: How is that possible when F-Droid doesn't have that version yet? 12:06:03
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuBecause your MR put it there actually12:06:08
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688 Yes, but F-Droid hasn't build that yet, so F-Droid shouldn't be serving that yet, right? 12:06:59
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuYes... that sounds right, but I remember there being problems with this before12:07:32
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuThere's some discussion around this here: https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/-/issues/52812:09:02

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