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12 Jul 2020
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzyOn Debian? Nope.18:01:22
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuthey seem to have unbundled their outdated copy of emojione(?) recently18:01:34
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuno, pacman is archlinux18:01:50
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy I'm afraid my distro does not support "colored fonts". I found that Noto font, 3 versions of it. None was accepted. The black-and-white ones had no issues. 18:02:15
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy I'm on an LTS, for reasons. And those reasons do not include upgrading to be able to use emojis. Yuck. 18:02:52
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuyou might have some luck with looking how the archlinux package does it: https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/noto-fonts-emoji18:02:59
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy Thanks, I'll take a look. But none of the font viewers I tried where even able to show the font. 18:03:31
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuI'm not sure if that's supposed to work as the emoji font probably doesn't ship with glyphs for the normal alphabet?18:04:09
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy Ugh… well, configuring a font the system cannot even show as a fallback won't help much I'm afraid ;) 18:04:28
@bubu:bubu1.euBubunot sure18:04:10
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy I've got several working emoji fonts here, but none of them is colored. 18:04:54
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuOkay, I've no idea18:05:19
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzyAll are b/w18:05:18
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuI've also heard someone say that only firefox has support for a certain format of colored emojis18:05:43
@bubu:bubu1.euBububut fontconfig so far is a bit of a mystery black box for me18:06:03
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzyNeither have I. I just find it a crazy move. Apart from the font itself being 10M big. For some emojis. In the browser.18:06:07
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy I just try to find a copy of the two Segue UI they prefer to confirm it's not just that Noto. So far I couldn't find a download source. 18:07:00
In reply to @freenode_izzy:matrix.org
Neither have I. I just find it a crazy move. Apart from the font itself being 10M big. For some emojis. In the browser.
not some, all of them ;-)
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuand tbh, installing them in the system is far superior then downoading them on every-website because they bundle them18:08:05
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzySure. If the system accepts it. If not, your visitors are screwed.18:09:50
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy Hm, that Segue UI Emoji could work, as it applies the colors separately. Unfortunately, no download source. All say "get it from your Windows machine". 18:24:51
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy Probably the same for "Segue UI Symbols". 18:27:24
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688Segoe UI is Windows stuff indeed18:30:15
@freenode_wb9688:matrix.orgwb9688What version of Debian do you use?18:30:35
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzyActually, a derivate of a derivate: Linux Mint 18 (LTS, in support until 2021), a derivate of Ubuntu (crap removed, good stuff added).18:57:02
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy Just found a copy of that Apple Color Emojis, doesn't work with GitLab either :( 18:57:24
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu izzy: do you see color emoji here? https://emojipedia.org/exploding-head/ 18:58:49
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy Summa summarum: GitLab switched to proprietary fonts for its open-source community, leaving the FOSS-folk out… </rant> 18:59:52

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