F-Droid Devs

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2 Jul 2020
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcwe could add a test where the APK is installed on an emulator15:04:46
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcactually doing things with the installed APK would be possible, but a chunk of work15:05:18
@eighthave:matrix.org_hchow often are there bad APK built?15:05:30
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuif they start up at all they are mostly good15:08:03
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc I guess the CI test could launch the app, then do a ps after a minute to see if it is still running, that wouldn't be too hard 15:15:55
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy That'd be a start, definitely! 17:21:56
@freenode_izzy:matrix.orgizzy Maybe "in terms of transparency" (uh, _hc didn't we have some grant on that topic?) those who did the task in the past could sum up what they checked, and we have that published somewhere? I remember Bubu enumerated his steps one day. This could then serve as a "starting guide" for those "joining forces". 17:24:14
4 Jul 2020
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp Bubu: not sure what you mean in !774, why should there be two timestamps? (I tried it with fdroid build --server on the gcc system and there is only one 18:29:18
@bubu:bubu1.euBubucan you post a log line?18:30:03
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuwell that doesn't start a buildserver vm though18:31:24
@bubu:bubu1.euBububut I think you are still correct that there won't be two timestamps18:31:49
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu because otherwise there's also be two DEBUG's 18:32:00
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuso should be good18:32:08
@freenode_jochensp:matrix.orgjochensp ah yeah, it's some time since I last used the VM :D 18:32:45
@bubu:bubu1.euBubu jochensp: someone posted this as an answer on twitter 21:51:53
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5 Jul 2020
@freenode_TheAssassin:matrix.orgTheAssassin left the room.22:07:29
@freenode_dschuermann[m]:matrix.orgfreenode_dschuermann[m] left the room.22:07:30
@freenode_textmate:matrix.orgtextmate left the room.22:07:30
@freenode_adjtm_:matrix.orgadjtm_ left the room.22:07:30
@freenode_part:matrix.orgpart left the room.22:07:31
6 Jul 2020
@eighthave:matrix.org_hc still no F-Droid 1.9 release available... Bubu do you know if Ciaran tried a run with your update refactoring reverted? 08:42:11
In reply to@eighthave:matrix.org
still no F-Droid 1.9 release available... Bubu do you know if Ciaran tried a run with your update refactoring reverted?
I only go the same emails as you got :-/
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuI think he said no but found the problem else where.10:01:00
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuBut there's still no fix.10:01:13
@bubu:bubu1.euBubuWill ping him again later.10:01:22
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcseems worth setting up a full staging setup on vibi10:29:15

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