F-Droid Translators

132 Members
F-Droid translation discussion (official channel) | Use #fdroid:f-droid.org for general, app- and repo-related matters | For development discussion use #fdroid-dev:f-droid.org | This channel is accessible via IRC, Matrix, Telegram and XMPP | Room history is public | Please don't edit your messages, it is spammy to users on IRC and XMPP15 Servers

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6 Sep 2024
@reno-tx:matrix.orgreno-txAlmost 100% of strings are translated, but very few are accepted.18:22:06
@reno-tx:matrix.orgreno-tx cc linsui _hc ? 18:26:30
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiCurrently there is only one reviewer for Serbian. https://hosted.weblate.org/user/SmeRix/18:27:33
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsui George: Is this your account? 18:27:54
@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b joined the room.22:51:19
@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b left the room.23:36:29
7 Sep 2024
@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b joined the room.07:41:44
In reply to @txopi:sindominio.net
f-droid.org website is not avaiable in Basque language. Should I send an email or make any kind of request in order to enable Basque in the website?
_hc: i have made a workshop in the Basque counntry and i am very interested to pass the Basc site to them when it has the website translated. Basc and Catalan languages are minority and for language defenders is very important to decide to use it if it is translated.
do they need to translate any thing form the weblate?
thanks a lot for so much work that devs you are making! 🤓
@pitroig:sindominio.netpitroigand some people in the workshop alredy have f-droid installed in their androids and the app Vigilante also among others08:50:24
@pitroig:sindominio.netpitroigand i have to tell to them when the website is in their language 🙂08:50:52
@_oftc_Artea:matrix.orgArtea joined the room.08:56:14
@_oftc_bostanxhiu:matrix.orgbostanxhiu joined the room.09:35:48
@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b left the room.10:58:10
@_oftc_bostanxhiu:matrix.orgbostanxhiu left the room.12:19:25
@pitroig:sindominio.netpitroighello again only to say that i am talking with some people to make a campaign in January " translate the app that you most use in F-Droid" in Catalan language to be able to have more apps translated.15:22:53
@_oftc_bostanxhiu:matrix.orgbostanxhiu joined the room.22:35:29
@_oftc_bostanxhiu:matrix.orgbostanxhiu left the room.22:41:59
@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b joined the room.22:42:24
@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b left the room.22:51:35
@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b joined the room.22:51:53
@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b left the room.23:23:15
8 Sep 2024
@_oftc_qwebirc70579:matrix.orgqwebirc70579 joined the room.00:21:28
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@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b joined the room.08:52:12
@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b left the room.12:20:24
@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b joined the room.23:51:33
9 Sep 2024
@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b left the room.01:03:13
@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b joined the room.09:26:50
@_oftc_Besnik_b:matrix.orgBesnik_b left the room.12:30:00
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiDo we exclude archived apps from fdroiddata translation?15:29:59

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