F-Droid Translators

133 Members
F-Droid translation discussion (official channel) | Use #fdroid:f-droid.org for general, app- and repo-related matters | For development discussion use #fdroid-dev:f-droid.org | This channel is accessible via IRC, Matrix, Telegram and XMPP | Room history is public | Please don't edit your messages, it is spammy to users on IRC and XMPP15 Servers

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30 Dec 2023
@telegram_6772941139:t2bot.ioeeexxxen Android33 joined the room.08:57:59
1 Jan 2024
@gunchleoc:glasgow.socialGunChleoc (co-shaoghal.net)They are asking how to register in Jabber and who can help, because it's not working for them.09:47:45
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] GunChleoc (co-shaoghal.net): umm? 09:50:44
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp]If you want to join here via Jabber aka XMPP... See guides like https://joinjabber.org09:50:44
@gunchleoc:glasgow.socialGunChleoc (co-shaoghal.net) I just provided a summary of the Russian language question, so this is for Willy Vonka 10:04:32
@onkelben:tchncs.deonkelben left the room.11:23:13
2 Jan 2024
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] left the room.01:44:25
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] joined the room.02:02:24
4 Jan 2024
@_oftc_qwebirc89353:matrix.orgqwebirc89353 joined the room.12:58:35
@_oftc_qwebirc89353:matrix.orgqwebirc89353 left the room.12:59:02
@rcvrvugyvgvb:matrix.orgSkawko joined the room.13:12:44
@rcvrvugyvgvb:matrix.orgSkawko left the room.13:27:43
@mondstern:matrix.sp-codes.demondstern joined the room.17:59:40
@mondstern:matrix.sp-codes.demondstern left the room.21:10:15
5 Jan 2024
@telegram_1010242756:t2bot.ioA A joined the room.14:43:23
6 Jan 2024
@lookeey:matrix.orgMoha Lookeey joined the room.06:25:25
8 Jan 2024
@telegram_6035641613:t2bot.iokeashia joined the room.09:56:24
9 Jan 2024
@peasant:matrix.orgpeasant joined the room.06:46:31
@irisee:matrix.orgikanakova joined the room.11:21:49
@irisee:matrix.orgikanakovaHi, what can I do to join the Czech translation of your project on Weblate? My profile: https://hosted.weblate.org/user/ikanakova/11:27:54
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiYou can start translation directly. :)11:34:00
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] irisee: you've login and there's no " join team" or so there? 11:34:17
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiIs there a join team?11:34:37
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] Maybe I'm mixing crowdin/transifex/weblate :)) 11:35:53
@irisee:matrix.orgikanakova Licaon_Kter[xmpp] linsui: Thanks, it working now. I didn't notice that Czech is 100% translated :D But I don't see an option for Czech on f-droid.org 11:40:41
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp]How about Posts :)12:26:01
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp]Or Docs?12:26:03

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