F-Droid Translators

143 Members
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17 Oct 2023
In reply to @_oftc_emmapeel:matrix.org
congrats rando !
@basses:matrix.orgrandobut they didn't push it yet13:19:07
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] left the room.21:26:07
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] joined the room.21:27:10
18 Oct 2023
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcsorry its not merged yet, I'm juggling a bunch of things at the moment.18:41:59
@telegram_6456444090:t2bot.ioFJS Strauß joined the room.19:25:23
@telegram_6456444090:t2bot.ioFJS Strauß left the room.19:35:17
19 Oct 2023

we're starting the 1.19 release cycle for F-Droid client, so it a good time to finish up the client strings:

  • https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/f-droid/f-droid/
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcShould I post this kind of message to Weblate too?08:01:17
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcI don't want to be too spammy08:01:30
@telegram_845570820:t2bot.ioGeorge joined the room.08:36:31
@telegram_845570820:t2bot.ioGeorgeCan someone provide context for "targetsdk_or_later"? Another user posted a comment yesterday. I would also like to know what precedes it. Also, I'm not sure about the word "promote" in summaries of the "Anti-Features" component. It looks odd and kind of harsh, a simple "use" would fit better in my opinion. For example, "This app promotes non-free add-ons" sounds like as if the app was using flashing banners and what not to promote i.e. Google Maps.08:59:12
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiWhere is the string?09:00:32
@telegram_845570820:t2bot.ioGeorge* Can someone provide context for "targetsdk_or_later"? Another user posted a comment on Weblate yesterday. I would also like to know what precedes it. Also, I'm not sure about the word "promote" in summaries of the "Anti-Features" component. It looks odd and kind of harsh, a simple "use" would fit better in my opinion. For example, "This app promotes non-free add-ons" sounds like as if the app was using flashing banners and what not to promote i.e. Google Maps.09:00:20
@telegram_845570820:t2bot.ioGeorgeIn "F-Droid".09:01:11
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiThe weblate url?09:01:36
@telegram_845570820:t2bot.ioGeorgeI'm on phone, sec.09:01:47
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiNevermind, found it. https://hosted.weblate.org/translate/f-droid/f-droid/en/?checksum=581611909d20ddcc09:02:42
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiI thought it's the target sdk version of the app.09:03:06
@telegram_845570820:t2bot.ioGeorgeCan you also provide what comes before it or a screenshot?09:04:13
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] linsui: if it says or_later, might be about blocking them say "23 or later on Android 14" 09:07:11
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsui The %s is the Android version of the minInstallableTargetSdk. 09:10:06
@telegram_845570820:t2bot.ioGeorgeSo basically, "targets" means "requires at least"?09:12:10
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiNot sure what the complete text is.09:12:42
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp]Explains? https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/-/merge_requests/1294#note_159887142709:15:22
@paulali:matrix.orgpaulaliHello here, we are trying to bring F-Droid TWIF back. If you have any news on Android or F-Droid or Translation news on F-Droid or anything with regards to FOSS/FLOSS on Android that you'd like highlighted. Please post it on the F-Droid forum thread at https://forum.f-droid.org/t/new-twif-submission-thread/23546/ Any input will be highly appreciated. Thank you.12:43:18
In reply to @rdfg77:kde.org
The %s is the Android version of the minInstallableTargetSdk.
Android version and corresponding SDK are different things. So what will we see here and where?
Btw, most users I know are glad to remember their Android version, SDK would be double Dutch for them.

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