F-Droid Translators

135 Members
F-Droid translation discussion (official channel) | Use #fdroid:f-droid.org for general, app- and repo-related matters | For development discussion use #fdroid-dev:f-droid.org | This channel is accessible via IRC, Matrix, Telegram and XMPP | Room history is public | Please don't edit your messages, it is spammy to users on IRC and XMPP15 Servers

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11 Oct 2023
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcI'm talking about translations, not source strings.10:06:37
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcwhere is changing source strings allowed?10:09:54
@eighthave:matrix.org_hcI agree, it shouldn't be.10:09:58
@_oftc_emmapeel:matrix.orgemmapeelin each project, it is enabled by default, i take it out10:10:07
In reply to @eighthave:matrix.org
rando: do you want your name also listed in Arabic script on the contributors list?
My Weblate's user name is enough, thanks for asking tho.
@_oftc_emmapeel:matrix.orgemmapeelis on the basic page, and also in another section. lemme see10:10:23
@_oftc_emmapeel:matrix.orgemmapeel _hc: in #translation for each component, there is 'manage strings', and in #files there is 'edit base file' 10:11:51
@_oftc_emmapeel:matrix.orgemmapeel(i dont know what is the difference, i disable both for the time being)10:12:42
@_oftc_emmapeel:matrix.orgemmapeel _hc: https://github.com/WeblateOrg/weblate/discussions/10154 12:19:53
@_oftc_emmapeel:matrix.orgemmapeellets see what is the difference :D12:20:07
@obfusk:matrix.orgFay (she/her) changed their display name from FC (they/them) to Fay (she/her).20:54:35
13 Oct 2023
@_oftc_qwebirc12641:matrix.orgqwebirc12641 joined the room.16:21:50
@_oftc_qwebirc12641:matrix.orgqwebirc12641 left the room.16:22:46
@_oftc_qwebirc67196:matrix.orgqwebirc67196 joined the room.16:22:59
@_oftc_qwebirc67196:matrix.orgqwebirc67196 left the room.16:23:42
14 Oct 2023
@_oftc_emmapeel:matrix.orgemmapeeli think there is a problem with this lines https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroid-website/-/blob/master/_data/strings.json#L156 - in weblate the escaping looks weird: https://hosted.weblate.org/translate/f-droid/website/en/?checksum=58f7d8c8de452303 09:08:34
@telegram_6369300140:t2bot.ioRobby Ivash joined the room.10:14:32
@critdroid:matrix.orgcritdroid left the room.11:50:00
@critdroid:matrix.orgcritdroid joined the room.13:32:44
@telegram_6345410111:t2bot.ioWe Em joined the room.15:56:01
@telegram_6369300140:t2bot.ioRobby Ivash left the room.16:00:08
15 Oct 2023
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] left the room.03:52:34
@_oftc_BANnNEDio-__:matrix.orgBANnNEDio-__ joined the room.05:20:42
@_oftc_BANnNEDio-__:matrix.orgBANnNEDio-__Redacted or Malformed Event05:21:00
@_oftc_BANnNEDio-__:matrix.orgBANnNEDio-__Redacted or Malformed Event05:21:00
@_oftc_BANnNEDio-__:matrix.orgBANnNEDio-__Redacted or Malformed Event05:21:01
@_oftc_BANnNEDio-__:matrix.orgBANnNEDio-__Redacted or Malformed Event05:21:03
@_oftc_BANnNEDio-__:matrix.orgBANnNEDio-__ left the room.05:21:04

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