F-Droid Translators

193 Members
F-Droid translation discussion (official channel) | Use #fdroid:f-droid.org for general, app- and repo-related matters | For development discussion use #fdroid-dev:f-droid.org | This channel is accessible via IRC, Matrix, Telegram and XMPP | Room history is public | Please don't edit your messages, it is spammy to users on IRC and XMPP17 Servers

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19 Sep 2023
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

That Telegram chat already has a portal at #telegram_fdroid_translators:t2bot.io. Additionally, you do not have the permissions to unbridge that room.

@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaThat is interesting I literally just made the Telegram chat09:31:46
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsYeah, weird09:31:56
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaThat resolves to https://matrix.to/#/#telegram_fdroid_translators:t2bot.io. Should I have maybe not given the chat a public link? The main chat seems to be set to private09:33:52
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaI'll try setting translators to private, maybe that works09:34:19
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaTry now?09:34:41
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijs!tg bridge -100190737311109:36:24
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

That Telegram chat already has a portal at #telegram_fdroid_translators:t2bot.io. Additionally, you do not have the permissions to unbridge that room.

@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaI'll just recreate the chat, maybe it being public ever was bad09:37:14
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijs!tg bridge -401392325609:38:33
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

That Telegram chat has no existing portal. To confirm bridging the chat to this room, use !tg continue

@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijs!tg continue09:38:54
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

Warning: The bot does not have privileges to redact messages on Matrix. Message deletions from Telegram will not be bridged unless you give redaction permissions to @telegram:t2bot.io

@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

Bridging complete. Portal synchronization should begin momentarily.

@telegram_420415423:t2bot.ioMatrix Telegram Bridge joined the room.09:38:57
@telegram_123561192:t2bot.ioSylvia joined the room.09:38:57
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsLooks like that works09:39:17
* @telegram_123561192:t2bot.ioSylvia upgraded this group to a supergroup09:39:45
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaOh did I break it now by giving the bot admin for redacting messages? :(09:40:42
@telegram_123561192:t2bot.ioSylviaRedacted or Malformed Event09:40:03
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaOh I didn't it's just slow okay09:41:03
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsThat wasnt too hard09:42:52
@telegram_123561192:t2bot.ioSylviaLet me test message redaction and moderation by deleting this message from the Telegram side and the Hi message from the Matrix side09:43:21
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaIt is extremely slow though, like a full minute delay09:44:08
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaDeleting on the Telegram side doesn't seem to propagate but deleting on the Matrix side does09:45:11
@mathijs:matrix.vgorcum.comMathijsOn matrix end we still need to give the bot mod powers09:45:21
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsui The bot is sometimes slow and broken. 09:45:57

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