8 Apr 2024 |
| Guest539 (IRC) joined the room. | 20:11:06 |
| Guest539 (IRC) left the room. | 20:25:31 |
| Besnik_b left the room. | 23:04:40 |
| bostanxhiu joined the room. | 23:04:40 |
| bostanxhiu left the room. | 23:29:08 |
9 Apr 2024 |
| Licaon_Kter[xmpp] left the room. | 01:34:46 |
| Licaon_Kter[xmpp] joined the room. | 05:25:29 |
| bostanxhiu joined the room. | 06:13:43 |
| larjona_ left the room. | 12:39:16 |
| whywedothis123 left the room. | 12:39:16 |
| bostanxhiu left the room. | 21:35:25 |
10 Apr 2024 |
| qwebirc28803 joined the room. | 03:41:42 |
| qwebirc28803 left the room. | 03:50:22 |
| bostanxhiu joined the room. | 07:01:49 |
| Jack Sparrow joined the room. | 15:38:27 |
| Besnik_b joined the room. | 17:22:49 |
Besnik_b | Where is everybody? What happened here? Did the channel migrate somewhere else? | 17:22:49 |
linsui | Nothing happeded. | 17:23:16 |
linsui | If you have any question, ask directly. | 17:23:32 |
11 Apr 2024 |
| Besnik_b left the room. | 00:42:58 |
| Besnik_b joined the room. | 06:33:43 |
_hc | Besnik_b: looks like there are some troubles on the IRC side, and it looks like you're coming in via IRC. | 10:34:59 |
_hc | maybe an OFTC issue? | 10:35:14 |
| Besnik_b left the room. | 12:56:25 |
| Jack Sparrow left the room. | 12:59:09 |
| Besnik_b joined the room. | 17:59:57 |
| Besnik_b left the room. | 22:39:50 |
12 Apr 2024 |
| ti ha left the room. | 02:17:03 |
| Besnik_b joined the room. | 07:22:23 |
| Besnik_b left the room. | 13:25:54 |