2 May 2024 |
migrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me | maybe i shouldn't have and now im scared my contributions will go to the void cuz the component has an error and theres some separation 🥲 | 01:48:19 |
critdroid | Rules and regulations I guess: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyber_Resilience_Act and https://www.europarl.europa.eu/legislative-train/theme-a-europe-fit-for-the-digital-age/file-new-product-liability-directive | 06:20:16 |
linsui | What error? | 07:05:14 |
linsui | Ah, thanks, I didn't realize that. 🤦 | 07:06:31 |
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| Yerlaoxo changed their display name from L Ps to Sugkeer. | 10:15:05 |
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migrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me | In reply to @rdfg77:kde.org What error? A warning* | 11:49:40 |
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_hc | I haven't heard that Weblate loses work, should still be there. | 18:26:23 |
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3 May 2024 |
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4 May 2024 |
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5 May 2024 |
rando | what is "localized metadata"? | 07:08:05 |
linsui | What's that? | 07:08:20 |
linsui | Any context? | 07:08:25 |
rando | In reply to @rdfg77:kde.org Any context? https://discuss.privacyguides.net/t/how-do-you-obtain-your-android-applications/18099/6 | 07:08:29 |
rando |
I’ll re-iterate that such forks do not support localized metadata or mirrors.
| 07:08:39 |
rando | ik that mirrors are other server locations | 07:09:12 |