F-Droid Translators

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19 Oct 2023
@_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.orgLicaon_Kter[xmpp] I've used `built for %s` 16:07:59
@obfusk:matrix.orgFC (they/them)
In reply to @rdfg77:kde.org
I thought "targets Android %s+" is good enough for me.
it's a bit confusing now I think. "Requires: x86, 12+" makes sense (though maybe should be "Android 12+"). but for the targetsdk it's the OS that requires the APK to have a min target SDK, not the APK requiring x86 or Android 12+.
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylvia"Built for an old Android version: %s" maybe? Although that still leaves it implicit. I think it will always be confusing because users don't generally expect old software to not run on new OS, only the other way around21:34:36
@obfusk:matrix.orgFC (they/them)
In reply to @SylvieLorxu:matrix.org
"Built for an old Android version: %s" maybe? Although that still leaves it implicit. I think it will always be confusing because users don't generally expect old software to not run on new OS, only the other way around
that still doesn't work after "Requires: ". because that's currently a list of things the APK requires (though the code says it's a list of incompatibility reasons). I think we need to change that to make it work.
@obfusk:matrix.orgFC (they/them)but yeah.21:36:59
@obfusk:matrix.orgFC (they/them)AFAICT al the existing incompatibility reasons were things the APK requires. but this isn't.21:37:52
@SylvieLorxu:matrix.orgSylviaMaybe just rephrase "Requires" into "Incompatible" and prefix "Requires" onto every other compat error string21:42:20
@obfusk:matrix.orgFC (they/them)something like that, yeah. might get long.21:45:52
@obfusk:matrix.orgFC (they/them)ignoring length (and consistency of the incompatibilities) for a sec, "Incompatible: requires x86, requires Android 12+, targets Android 5" seems okay. though doesn't explain why the latter is a problem, not much we can do there sadly.21:49:45
@obfusk:matrix.orgFC (they/them)"built for" might be better than "targets"21:51:47
@obfusk:matrix.orgFC (they/them)also not sure a comma separated list translates well.21:52:59
20 Oct 2023
In reply to @obfusk:matrix.org
it's a bit confusing now I think. "Requires: x86, 12+" makes sense (though maybe should be "Android 12+"). but for the targetsdk it's the OS that requires the APK to have a min target SDK, not the APK requiring x86 or Android 12+.
Then "Requires: x86, Android 12-"?
@obfusk:matrix.orgFC (they/them)
In reply to @rdfg77:kde.org
Then "Requires: x86, Android 12-"?
that's closer. but still wrong IMO. it's blocked by the OS, the APK itself doesn't actually require a newer version to run. and some ROMs might allow it (or you can use adb). will open a client issue later when not AFK.
21 Oct 2023
@obfusk:matrix.orgFC (they/them)
In reply to @obfusk:matrix.org
that's closer. but still wrong IMO. it's blocked by the OS, the APK itself doesn't actually require a newer version to run. and some ROMs might allow it (or you can use adb). will open a client issue later when not AFK.
@telegram_6556273997:t2bot.io. . joined the room.18:54:40
25 Oct 2023
@telegram_291481095:t2bot.ioFile to bot joined the room.15:59:03
24 Oct 2023
@telegram_6556273997:t2bot.io. . /start@filetobot 86d96ab6_14618924 21:08:31
26 Oct 2023
@_oftc_booming:matrix.orgbooming joined the room.11:46:02
Download image.png
@basses:matrix.orgrandowaiting for Arabic translation of f-droid website13:16:04
27 Oct 2023
@telegram_6097353442:t2bot.ioG joined the room.09:27:16
@yukoff:matrix.orgyukoff joined the room.18:11:35
28 Oct 2023
@telegram_366002180:t2bot.ioPedro Silva joined the room.12:25:52
@telegram_366002180:t2bot.ioPedro Silva Why dont have brazilian portuguese in https://hosted.weblate.org/ ?? 12:27:29
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiThere is Portuguese (Brazil). Isn't that the same thing?12:34:28
@_oftc_emmapeel:matrix.orgemmapeel linsui: maybe it would be good to remove Portuguese here: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/f-droid/fdroiddata/ - although I dont know if that will be pt-pt or pt-br 14:56:19
@_oftc_emmapeel:matrix.orgemmapeelbecause the 3 are there14:56:32
@_oftc_emmapeel:matrix.orgemmapeeli mean, pt, pt-pt, and pt-br14:57:14
@rdfg77:kde.orglinsuiIf the maintainers of Portuguese agree. I don't know if ssantos and rafaelff in this room.14:59:27
29 Oct 2023
In reply to @basses:matrix.org
waiting for Arabic translation of f-droid website

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