15 Feb 2024 |
rando | I'm using windows | 13:34:34 |
Licaon_Kter[xmpp] | Ok, but we can't fix your windows :) | 13:34:45 |
linsui | We can fix the svg so there is no text in it. | 13:35:04 |
rando | which looks better than linux for arabic | 13:35:04 |
linsui | I want to know who can merge the weblate MR. :) | 13:35:29 |
linsui | https://gitlab.com/fdroid/artwork/-/merge_requests/43 There are many translation. | 13:35:42 |
linsui | But it seems no one is maintain that repo. | 13:35:50 |
rando | In reply to @_oftc_Licaon_Kter[xmpp]:matrix.org Ok, but we can't fix your windows :) I'm talking about the png version, can't I just edit it out and submit a PR? | 13:35:52 |
rando | using a different font? | 13:36:26 |
linsui | The PNG is correct. The SVG should be fixed. | 13:36:35 |
rando | In reply to @rdfg77:kde.org The PNG is correct. The SVG should be fixed. .... it was generated on Linux machine | 13:37:08 |
rando | looks terrible for an Arabic font | 13:37:28 |
linsui | The PNG is generated from the SVG. | 13:37:49 |
rando | yes, I know | 13:38:00 |
rando | In reply to @basses:matrix.org We can set the SVG font to look the same on all OSs? if so, we can convert it to PNG. potential fix | 13:38:25 |
linsui | The SVG uses DejaVu Sans. | 13:38:37 |
rando | In reply to @basses:matrix.org the problem is that the Arabic font for Linux machines sucks, looks the PNG used DejaVu Sans which sucks for arabic . | 13:38:46 |
rando | that's what I'm saying | 13:38:58 |
linsui | The SVG shouldn't look better on you OS. :) It should suck. 🤣 | 13:39:27 |
linsui | We need to fix that so it sucks everywhere. | 13:39:39 |
rando | In reply to @rdfg77:kde.org The SVG shouldn't look better on you OS. :) It should suck. 🤣 I'm talking about PNG...................................... | 13:39:45 |
rando | In reply to @rdfg77:kde.org We need to fix that so it sucks everywhere. lmao | 13:40:21 |
linsui | We should make the SVG suck as the PNG. The PNG sucks correctly. Then we can try using different fonts for different languages. :) | 13:40:27 |
rando | love windows default font for arabic | 13:40:29 |
Licaon_Kter[xmpp] | linsui: :))))))))) | 13:40:40 |
linsui | Is the font on your Windows a free font? | 13:41:08 |
linsui | I thought we should use free font only. | 13:41:18 |
rando | In reply to @rdfg77:kde.org I thought we should use free font only. Noto Sans Arabic is great | 13:43:04 |
rando | https://github.com/notofonts/noto-fonts/blob/main/LICENSE | 13:45:26 |
rando | In reply to @rdfg77:kde.org Is the font on your Windows a free font? nope, it is https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/globalizing/loc-international-fonts Segoe UI | 13:48:57 |